Falling Pedals.

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Erza's P.O.V.

"Hey you," said a certain ravenhaired mage,"what's up with you?"

I barely noticed that Gray was speaking to me until he moved his hands up in the air, gesturing like a peanut. I was not in the mood to talk to him right now, due to a certain someone on my mind. But I managed to replie a very deep moan.

"Erza, what's the matter? You have been spacing out for the last 15 minutes, you haven't even touched your strawberry cake Mira made you." This time it was a different voice, much sweeter so I managed to look up to see the whole guild surrounding me.

"Sorry I've been avoiding you guys, but I think I'm going to go home. I'll see you guys later." I got a box from Mira to bring home my cake in because I didn't have that much of an appetite it must have been because of him.

On my way home I went by the old Sakura tree by my house. The place where I most reflect. The place I can let it out. The place I met him.


"Erza, meet me at the cherry blossom tree by your house, I want to give you your cake there instead of me walking all the way there and then back to the guild." A certain pinkette told me over the phone. It was Natsu and he was going to deliver me my new armor and cake.

"Hurry up Natsu, I need to go find him. I need to get rid of him for Fairy Tails safety." That man was Zeref the one dark mage who took over my friends life. The man that killed Simon.

"Erza, Master told you he doesn't want you to go alone, it's highly dangerous. At least let us come too, what happens if you die, what happens if you disappear? What happens if you..."

"Natsu, I will not dissappear, if I die, which is highly unlikely, at least you guys are safe. Just please hurry, I have to go, meet me there." I cut him off at the end and hung up, because I was scared myself and I don't want him to know and think I'm weak. To think I can't do this. But I can, I will for him.

At the time when we were both there, Natsu had brought Lucy, Gray, Wendy, Charla, Happy, and Laxus with him. To my surprise Laxus actually looked worry, and nervous. Happy was balling his eyes out clinging on my leg. Charla looked like she was hit by a car of fear and emotion. Wendy was on her knees crying. Lucy was trying to comfort her but she also had a nonstop river of tears creeping down her face. As Gray looked like he was going to faint. Natsu looked at me sympathetically.

"They wanted to come so I thought this would be the way of you remembering to not die, because you'd be leaving all of us alone." The pinkette broke the silence with the weeps.

"I only came to, uh, you know, be here." Laxus said as he looked to the ground blushing from embarrassment which made me smile.

"Thank you guys for coming, I wish I could bring you guys with me but I will not risk you guys being killed because of me." I smiled to them, "I have to do this myself but I will be fine. You guys should go back to the guild and tell Master I will be off."

"Erza, you don't have to do this alone." As Gray said this the petals began to fall."We are here for a reason, we don't want you to go alone, even Laxus came willingly." I felt his warm body, still in his clothes for some odd reason, squeeze me in a tight hug. I felt his tears sting my shoulders as they turned into cold little icicles.

"It's okay you guys, I'll be fine. I promise."

By the time they left it was only myself and Gray. While my other friends went back to the guild, still having tears stinging their eyes, Gray decided to stay with me. I invited him to sit down on the bench with my while I ate my cake quickly. I shared a couple of pieces with him because I knew how bad he felt. He blushed each time I'd give him a piece by my fork. I found it cute how he said he'd stay back with me to walk to the gates of Fiore. It wasn't that far so I let him.

"Why do you have to go Erza? We'll be fine, we're strong enough if he ever comes near us, we have the whole guild to defend us. Even Master will be there, how could we lose?"

"If Zeref does attack the guild, there would be a guarantee that he could kill some of our mages. So Master and I decided to play the strongest piece first as he'll play his strongest piece, being himself."

At that moment Gray stopped. He looked like he was going to break down infront of me. I had a feeling he was holding it back because his raven colored hair covered his eyes. I looked up to him and moved my hand up to his face to move his hair, he was crying. I felt really bad, but I knew I had to do this. He looked deep down into my eyes and I thought he could hear my thoughts. He looked so depressed that I could reach it.

The distance we had between one another was very small. Gray leaned in and pressed his lips against mine and it surprised me but I didn't reject. I forgot about the bluenette I had once loved did not come to mind. I kissed him back until he broke of the kiss to catch his breath. I looked up and all the tears he had saved up has broken though. I attempted to wipe it away, until he grabbed my wrist and looked at me.

"Erza, please don't go, I have a bad feeling about this, and I think, I think, I love you." Even without being at the park more petals fell. I looked around to see I was at the Fiore gates and I had to go.

"I'm sorry Gray, I have to. Goodbye Gray and keep the guild safe for me until I get back." I said as I left his grip and started to walk to the gates. I looked behind me after leaving the gates, to see Gray on his knees, with tears streaming down his face, and a certain childhood bluenette watching me with a sad face and suddenly disappearing.

"Jellal...?" I whispered to myself, then continued on walking.

I shouldn't have went. Jellal wouldn't have witnessed me being kissed by Gray and Laxus would have never died.


A/N: To be continued...
I do not own Fairy Tail.
Sorry for the cliffhanger guys.

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