Project Partners

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Izuku's P.O.V.

I was grabbing my homework for Kacchan when I felt a hand placed on mine.

"Not right now idiot. When we get to class."

"Oh right haha." I felt super embarrassed so I quickly put my homework away and walked to school in silence. It was nice not hearing Kacchan yell for once. Plus I was walking next to him.

I'm walking with Kacchan. I'm walking with Kacchan. I'm- he's so pretty.

We finally reached the school five minutes before class started.

"Bakubro! Midoriya! There you guys are! We were wondering why you're so late." Kirishima asked.

Kacchan was the first to speak. "Does it fucking matter? We were just walking to school Shitty Hair!"

"Alright Bakubro no need to get mad over that jeez." Kirishima mumbled.

"Kacchan that was mean. There was no need to yell at him. He was just wondering where we were!" I loudly stated.

"Whatever nerd. We're gonna be late to class. C'mon." With that, he grabbed my left hand and pulled us into class. He didn't care about the looks he got when our classmates saw us go to our seats.

"He seems tired. That must be why he's been kind of nice today. Although that wouldn't make much sense because we left at the same time. Maybe he woke up three hours before school. At 4:00am. That would mean that he was doing nothing and maybe couldn't fall back asleep. Maybe he's tired from all the yelling and quick actions he's been doing lately. Maybe he woke up not that early and is just tired. Maybe h-"

"Oi nerd, we can hear your mumbling. Shut the hell up."

Was I saying all that out loud? Crud.

"S-sorry guys." I looked down at my hands cause I was embarrassed and blushing wildly.


A yellow worm looking thing made it's way to the front of the class. It unzipped revealing our teacher. Mr. Aizawa. "Alright class. Settle down. We have a new project we're letting you work on. You have assigned partners so don't try to switch them."

Mr. Aizawa was passing out a paper to every student. It was the instructions for our project.


"What?" Each student seemed confused when they got their paper.

"What the hell? Why the hell is this our project?" Kacchan said, confused and annoyed.

"A...photoshoot project? But what does that have to do with hero work?" I asked completely confused.

"It helps hero work. It's just not action packed." Aizawa explained. "You guys should build better friendships and trust for training together in the future. That's why I don't want you picking partners. You would just choose your closest friend. I basically paired as close to rivals or strangers as I could."
"I'll give you two minutes to read the paper."

As I was reading the paper I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked around the classroom only to find Kacchan turned around, glaring daggers at me.

"Uhm. H-hey Kacchan. Need anything?"

"Nah. I'm just wondering if we're gonna be partners. That would suck. Really bad." Kacchan complained.

"Okay then Kacchan. Let's hope we are.." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that last part nerd?"

"Uhmm, uh, nothing Kacchan don't worry about it!" I yelled nervously smiling.

"Hmm." Kacchan turned back around, his eyes still glaring for some reason.

"Alright class, give your attention up here. I'm going to be reading your partners out loud. Pay attention. I don't care if you hate your partner. That's the point. Once you hear your names go sit next to your partner. No complaining."

"Yuga and Tsuyu."

"Tenya and Denki."

"Ochaco and Hanta."

"Mineta and Koji."

"Kirishima and Mina."

(There might be a few last names in here.)

"Momo and Mashirao."

"Sato and Shoji."

"Kyoka and Todoroki."

"Fumikage and Toru."

"And lastly, Katsuki and Izuku." Aizawa said, seeming a bit excited reading the last two names.

"Fuck. I was wrong shitty nerd, guess we're partners anyway. Deku. You there?"

"Hmm? Wait what? We're partners? Oh that's cool! One second," I grabbed my chair and placed it in front of Kacchan's desk. Making direct eye contact with him, I got lost in his beautiful eyes.

"Am I too handsome for you? Do we need to talk to Aizawa cause you're obviously in love with me." Kacchan joked, a sly smirk on his face the whole time.

"Huh what? Uhm, no your not handsome! I mean, you're totally handsome but not for me! I would totally date you if I could cause you're that handsome!-" I realized what I was saying.

Kacchan started bursting out laughing. "You're such a wreck when you see someone pretty in front of you shitty nerd! Ahahaha!"

I was obviously blushing but decided to play it off, rolling my eyes.

"We need to plan out our project Kacchan. Stop laughing!" I whined.

"Haha whatever Deku. Let's get this stupid project over with." Kacchan said, regaining his composure.

"Yeah. Right." I said, as red as a tomato.

How am I going to be able to spend this much time with him! I can't even last five minutes around him without blushing!

Word count: 870 words
I couldn't help but smile the whole time I was making Deku's thoughts and nervous rambling. I love these two boys together. Anyway, the power is going out where I live so that means I won't be able to write anymore this weekend, hah sorry. See ya later~

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