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Yeah, yeah I know. "But Bruce/Ian/Ryan! We just want to read about the sexy, sarcastic, man! We don't care about your damn Information!"

Yup, I know, but I'd highly appreciate it if you read this considering it has the Trigger Warning Information, and How to request!

Let's get started shall we?

Trigger warning!
Normal Z Nation stuff AKA: Guns, knifes, zombies, blood, ect.

Self harm

Suicidal Thoughts

Eating Disorders


And More!


Which Season Murphy (If it matters)- I do this because Murphy looks and acts different in Basically all the seasons. (Personally love Season 5 Murphy the most, but it's a close tie between season 5 and season 4)

Basic Prompt- Whether it be Dialogue, Or it's a specific thing.

SFW, Triggering, NSFW, anything really.

I do reader inserts only- Y/N

BUT you can request certain Pronouns and Sex of the reader!

I think that's all... If you want to request just do it on this chapter please.

Thank you!

Also... Here's our sexy man...

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Alvin Murphy (Z Nation) ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now