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Adam steps into his house. He bobs into his kitchen, takes his orange juice out and takes a glass out of his cupboard and sat back down at his table. Adam pours the juice into the glass and takes a sip.

It FINALLY hit him. ”OH, MY. ACTUAL. GOD!" he shot off his chair "what the FUCK did I just do? What do I even say to him when I show up? Most importantly, what do I wear? (Sound Cliché much?) Adam huffed and puffed  (not like the three little pigs story. LOL)

At this moment of time, Adam is pacing the floors. He's freaking out and panicking over what he's going to wear that makes him look flawless but doesn't make him look desperate but also so it makes him look casual at the same time. (If any of you understood that, wow! haha)

“Oh no! This is terrible…hang on, why am I freaking out? Errr DUH Adam! You’re going over to your crushes house for a party with his family, people you’ve never heard or seen before.  Adam, listen to yourself, you’re freaking over something that’s not a big deal and now you’re talking to yourself, great! Im a nutter.”  He walked upstairs to look in his wardrobe for some clothes to wear “there has to be something” opened the wardrobe door and scanned the content  “this is old…that’s so tight it could show a lot more of me and even cut off my circulation….I don’t even know why I have this in here, ew.  What was I even thinking buying this?” Adam closed the door “ok so I have nothing to wear, what does mean? Hmm Adam I don’t know…I do, it means you’re talking to yourself again.” “Shopping it is!”  Adam said excitingly.  

10 a.m.  Adam left his bedroom and ran down the stairs but missed the last two because he decided to be a “rebel” (exactly) and jump to the floor.  He had his keys and wallet in his pocket so he didn’t bother looking for them; he took his coat from the hallway (if you don’t know what a hallway is depending on countries or whatever, it’s the space between the living room and the front door. Not that you needed to know that) and walked out the door to his car.

Opens the car door, gets in and puts his seatbelt on. The ignition starts. Just as Adam was about to pull out of his driveway, when he caught a glimpse of Sauli’s blonde silky hair (how he knew that I don’t know) walking behind his car with some little children heading towards the tennis courts that were just around the corner.  Sauli heard the car move and stared at the car and noticed that it was Adam.  Adam backed stopped the ignition “Hey, Sauli! “  Sauli looked to his side only to see Adam waving at him calling his name.  “Oh hey Adam, how are you? Set for tomorrow? Haha” Adam smiled so much that his face could have stayed that way “Yeah I’m all ready, just going into town for a few things. Where you heading?” Adam asked curiously “Good good, oh I’m just going down to the tennis courts with my niece and nephew; I’d ask if you want to come but you’re going into town.”  Adam was kind of relieved that the children weren’t his, as bad as it sounds. He thought of a plan so he could go to the courts with them and still get a new outfit but he didn’t want to say it because he thought it might seem a bit too pushy.  “Yeah, well maybe next time. I love tennis (he has no idea how to play it)”  Sauli had an expression on his face which only meant that he was thinking of something “Maybe you could come meet us after you’re done shopping if you wanted to, we’re gonna be there till 3 anyways. My parents are having some kind of book club thing, I needed to get out coz they keep saying how cute I am and how I’ll make somebody very happy one day.” Sauli smiled facing the ground nervously. “Haha. My parents say the exact same thing when she has friends over, it can get annoying I guess.”  Adam replied laughing a little Sauli looked back up and smiled, grabbed his niece’s hand and his nephew was standing next to him and moved out the way of the car so Adam could pull out “sounds great! I might be there around 1:30; I shouldn’t take that long anyways” Adam started the ignition up again and pulled out of his drive way and waved to Sauli and the children goodbye. “See you guys in a couple of hours” Adam said “yeah, see you soon” Sauli said as he walked off with the children.  

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