Being a Slytherin would include

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• Getting excited every time a squid would swim past the glass in the common room.

• Having to stuck  up on warm clothes bc damm it gets cold in there.

• Everyone in the dorms having like ten blankets on their beds during winter.

• Having huge games of Chinese wispers at te slytherin table wich confuses the whole school as to why they are so silent.

• Having the sassiest and most sarcastic conversations with your housemates.

• staying up late on Friday nights loads of other slytherins amd playing weird  drinking games with Fire whiskey wile their minors watch in awe

• Always defending people from your house even if you never talked to them before.

• Getting confused as to why Slytherin is supposed to be the "badass" house because what's actually going on in the common room is eating competitions and rap battles

• Creating the strongest and deepest friendships.

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