10/25/2019 pt. 2

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Cyrus P.O.V

Tj gave Cyrus a quick peck on the lips. Risky, but no one was around. Tj stood up and offered Cyrus his hand. Cyrus took it happily and got up. "Where to now?" He asked. "We're leaving the park, going down town."

"Down town? On a Friday night?" Cyrus asked. "Yeah, don't worry. I'll protect you." 

It was a long walk. They tried not to draw attention to themselves and it worked. Cyrus reminded himself that no one really would notice two teenage boys just walking around down town. They walked past some places Cyrus was familiar with then turned down an alley way. "Um, what?" Cyrus asked. "It'll be fine, I know this must seem weird, but it's all part of the plan." Tj explained. He knocked a door and girl with short curly hair opened it. "Come on in." She stepped aside and they stepped in. 

It was a black light party. Oh, wow. People were dancing with red plastic cups and vaping. Music was blaring. Cyrus could feel his anxiety rising and grabbed Tj's hand. Tj thanked the girl and grabbed Cyrus's hand. He guided Cyrus through the crowd. They went down a hallway and Tj opened the door. The door lead to stairs. He started to climb them and Cyrus followed. "So... I'm confused." Tj stepped on to a small landing and opened a door. "You won't be for much longer." Cyrus stepped through the door. They were at one end of a long red hallway. At the other end was a latter that was attached to the wall. 

Tj took Cyrus's hand and walked to the end of the hallway, only making Cyrus more confused. Tj started to climb the latter. "Jagger. Jagger what are you doing?" 

"I'm climbing a latter." Tj said with a smirk. He pushed a ceiling tile up and climbed through. He then stuck his head back down. "You coming?" 

"Well sure." Cyrus said with a laugh. He climbed the latter and found himself on a roof. "What the fuck? I'm sorry, what the..." Tj laughed and helped Cyrus stand up. "This is the last part of our evening; you get a view of the beautiful Shadyside." Cyrus could see almost everything. "Thelonious Jagger Freddie Kippen, you are the best boyfriend in the universe." 

"Uno reverse card." The boys spent hours up there. They made a TikTock or two. They kissed and cuddled and talked. They decided that Monday was the day. On Monday they would tell their friends they were dating. Maybe a little while after they would tell their parents and then post it on Instagram. If they were being honest that really didn't bother them to much. It was their anniversary after all and it was just them in the world.

What now? (A Tyrus fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now