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Cyrus P.O.V

Cyrus let his feet hang off Tj's bed as he watched him pack. "I mean... I just can't... I still can't believe it! I got into one of the sport camps on the west coast! It's four weeks, oh God I'm gonna miss you so much baby." Tj rambled as he ran around the room, grabbing things and shoving them in his duffel bag. "I'm gonna be training with college level coaches!" Cyrus sat back and watched as Tj ran around like a puppy. 

"Where are my emergency Nikes?" He looked around the room worried. "Under the dresser." Cyrus said. Tj reached under it and grabbed them. "You're the best." He said. "Tj, your mom is in the car." Cyrus didn't want to rush him but Tj needed to leave soon if him and his mom wanted to be at their hotel before midnight. "I know, I should've packed last night but... well you know it just didn't happen." 

"Yeah I know. Your slides are under the bed." Tj dropped down and grabbed them. "Thank you." Tj tackled Cyrus in a hug. "Teej... you are amazing." Cyrus kissed Tj's forehead. "Now lets go your mom is going to be mad." Tj opened his mouth to say something. "I have your headphones." Tj kissed Cyrus. They rushed downstairs together. "Let's go Tj!" His mom called. "Yeah, I'm coming!" Tj hugged his dad, Amber, and Cole goodbye. Him and Cyrus hurried out the door, and Cyrus watched him fling his bags into the car and get into the passengers seat. "Finally..." His mom said as Tj slammed the door behind him. Tj rolled down his window. "Bye Cy, I miss you already." 

"I miss you, call me when you get there, okay?" 

"I will, promise." Cyrus gave his boyfriend one last kiss before they drove off. "Ew," Cole said, "Tj has cooties you know." 

"Really? He told me the same about you." 

"Cyrus wait!" Amber came hurrying outside. "I'll walk you home." Cyrus tried to argue against this but she insisted and they began their walk. "So, I have an... issue." Amber whispered awkwardly. "Oh my God your pregnant!" Cyrus half yelled. "I am not pregnant!" 

"Oh thank God. The world is not ready for another Kippen." Cyrus sighed and kept walking. "So, what is it then?" Amber took a deep breath. "I have a crush... on Andi." Cyrus had to resist rolling his eyes. "Wow really? I had no idea." He forced all sarcasm away from his tone, truth be told this really made him happy. "It's summer now so you two will get to hang out more."

"Cyrus, that's what I'm worried about, what if she only likes boys? What if I finally work up the courage to tell her and she doesn't want to be my friend any more? Worse! What if she likes girls and just doesn't like me?" Cyrus took Amber's hands. "Breath in one, two, three, four, exhale one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." She calmed down a bit after that. "Look Amber it's not really my place to insert my opinion here but she probably likes you too. You and Andi would be really cute together." She hugged him tightly. "Cyrus your always so good to talk too." 

"I am the son of four people who do that for a living. Can I tell you something, in all confidence?" Amber gasped. "You're not pregnant! Are you?"

"Oh God I hope not! Wait I'm a guy. This is what happens when two gays try to get something done. No Amber it's that... I'm worried about Tj. He's going to be around athletic boys! For four weeks... what if they like him? What if he likes them? What if he realizes that he can do better then me?" This time Amber took Cyrus's hands. "Breath in one, two, three, four, exhale one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. You are Cyrus Goodman, there is no such thing as better then you." Cyrus hugged her.  "He's a great guy you know?"

"I literally have no idea what you see in him." Amber said. Amber walked Cyrus all the way to his door and Cyrus thanked her. Then he tried to get some sleep. That never happened.

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