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"Bo-young," Jungkook says after a while. We have been eating and chatting for quite a while now. The atmosphere has been light, and most of the snacks Jungkook brought have been eaten. Now, though, the atmosphere has become suddenly heavy.

I stare at Jungkook, waiting for him to speak, but he doesn't. He doesn't seem to be able to find the right words. "There is not only one thing that I have to say, but the second can wait."

I look at him, confused at what he's getting at. He looks at me, a weary glimmer in his eyes. "What is it?" I ask him.

"Would you want to find your old home?" he asks after struggling to word it for a moment.

"What are you implying?" I question. I had detailed my predicament in the letter I left for Jungkook when I gave him the papers alongside my hybrid file, but I doubt I wrote about how much I wished to return.

"We could get a car, a comfortable one, and drive from city to city until you recognize something. I've been wanting to go on a road trip for a while, and now an opportunity has presented itself," he explains.

I tilt my head before asking: "Wouldn't that disturb your job? I'm certain your boss wouldn't be thrilled about you leaving for a month or two after taking a week off."

"You think we'll find it in a month or two?" Jungkook asks, raising an eyebrow doubtfully. I scoff, but not in a malicious way. "Yes, I would probably get fired, but-"

"Nope. I'm happy here, you know that, right? I haven't felt homesick towards my old town since you came along," I tell him, trying to avoid having him fired. "Maybe someday we can go on that road trip. You've got a lot to do back in the city. Didn't you say a while back that your friend, Jin, was planning on visiting for Christmas? It'd be a shame if you missed it."

"You're right. I wasn't suggesting we go straight away, maybe in June, next year," he suggests. I smile.

"I'm flattered that you'd do that for me. You do know that being on the move isn't easy, right? And I'm not legally permitted to drive, so you'd be the one behind the wheel."

"I know, I've been thinking about it since I read your letter," he tells me with a small nod.

"I'd love to find my old home, but if I'm honest, I'm more thrilled about the idea of the trip. You see, I wasn't able to travel a lot with Grace, so there's a lot that I haven't seen," I tell him honestly. Truthfully, I've been questioning Grace's ways recently.

Jungkook beams at me, a light redness dusting his cheeks. "I'm glad to hear that."

A moment of silence passes. I'm daydreaming about where we'd go, and if in fact, we'd be lucky enough to stumble across my hometown. I wonder what the other cities would look like. Maybe we could visit the capitol. I've heard a lot about the tall buildings, lights, billboards, and complex crosswalks.

I look back to Jungkook, who is now happily eating the last remainders of the chips he brought. A question pops up in my head, but I'm unsure whether or not I should ask. Now is a perfect time, after all.

"Christmas," I blurt out. "What happens at Christmas?"

"Why are you suddenly worried about Christmas? It's not even November," Jungkook chuckles.

"It's going to be November in a few days, Jungkook," I tell him, pursing my lips. "I was just thinking about how you said you and your friends always spent it together. Wouldn't I be intruding?" I ask him.

Jungkook shakes his head. "Not at all, they'd love to meet you. Yoongi and Namjoon first met Hoseok at the Christmas get together too."

"You've told them about me?" I ask, looking at him in confusion as I shift uncomfortably on the hard wooden flooring.

"Not all. You already know Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin, and that's half of the people you have yet to meet. I thought it'd be a nice surprise for the guys. They always joked about how lonely I was, and how I was, and I quote, 'practically a hermit'."

"Jimin is attending?" I ask, surprised that he'd be coming.

"I can't say it won't be awkward, but Hoseok has already forgiven him long ago. He's not one to hold grudges," Jungkook says, seemingly uncomfortable too, but not because of the wooden floor.

"Did he not attend last year?" I ask.

Jungkook shrugs. "It's complicated. Last year's Christmas get together was the last time I saw him, until today, that is."

"Oh..." I mutter, not wanting to pry further. The last thing I want is for him to think I'm nosy.

Jungkook slowly gets up, collecting the trash into the plastic bag he brought the snacks in. He offers me his hand after finishing tidying up. He pulls me up.

"Should we go?" he asks, to which I nod. 

(AN: Shorter chapter, sorry guys. I don't really know how to continue it. I've dropped a ton of plot points. This story has no structure whatsoever, so it's hard to keep track of things. What would you guys like to see happen? 

A: The creepy girl (who stopped Bo-young on the street) coming back

B: Meeting the rest of the boys (would require a time skip)

C: Finding Bo-young's old home (includes finding out more about Grace)


Do you guys want romance in this story, or would you prefer it to stay strictly platonic between Bo-young and Jungkook?

Update pause until I get enough answers to be sure of how to continue~

STRAY // JJK x HYBRID (bunny)✔️ Re-WritingWhere stories live. Discover now