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"Nothing is right! I can't just get him anything; he deserves better," I fuss as I put down the set of oil paints. Taehyung sighs, nodding his head.

"As annoying as it is to do last-minute Christmas shopping, and as much as I want this to just end now, I have to agree with you. You can't just get him anything," Taehyung says from behind me as he looks through different painting supplies.

"I need to do something unique. He can come over here and buy a set of ordinary paint any day. It needs to be something he can't do himself," I rant. Taehyung follows behind me as I pace up and down the aisles.

"Maybe some food will help you think of something. My treat," Taehyung suggests. It takes me a moment to think about it. After the said moment, I nod, now realizing how hungry I've become. The hanger has clouded my vision.

"Do you know of any good places to get some food around here?" I ask.

"Yeah. There's this Japanese restaurant that serves super good food for moderately cheap prices. I can't remember the name for the life of me. It's on the third floor, near the back end of the food court," he tells me as he begins to walk to the escalators. I follow in tow, this time able to keep up thanks to his short steps.

"Japanese food. Sounds nice," I comment."It is. It's not the best-looking place, but it serves damn good food," he gushes excitedly. "I'm sure you'll love it."

We ascend the escalator up to the third floor where we see an array of different vendors and restaurants selling different edible goods. Taehyung brings me to the back, where I see a quaint restaurant. It's mostly wooden, with nice little booths set up. straw lamps hang above each table. The kitchen is visible from the dining area. Above the entrance is a sign in Japanese.

"Ah yes. I don't know why, but it's named "crane", like the bird," Taehyung says. "Tsuru."

"How... strange," I say. "Unique. That's the word I was looking for."

Taehyung chuckles as he walks in. I follow him into the restaurant.

When we enter, a woman walks up to us. To my surprise, there are only two other people here. The lady leads us to one of the free tables before handing us menus and leaving. Taehyung pulls open the small box set against the wooden barrier of the booth that separates this booth from the neighbouring one. From inside, he pulls out nice wooden chopsticks and sets them on the napkins in front of us.

"So, do you have any recommendations?" I ask him as I flip through the menu. There aren't many dishes to choose from.

"I always recommend Katsudon. You can't go wrong with it," he tells me as he sets down his menu.

"Coolio. I'll go with that then," I say with a smile as I too set down my menu.

Taehyung waves over the waitress who comes up to us casually, a small notebook and pen in her hands. He orders a starter and then our meals before handing her his menu.

After she's left, he leans against the table lazily, his lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed in thought. "So, what do you know he'd like?" he asks me.

"Well, I know he likes art a lot," I say meekly.

"Well, no doy. Tell me something only you know," he presses on.

"Fishing for secrets, are you?" I tease. Taehyung chuckles. "I know he wants to work professionally with his art. I know why he wants to get his name out there," I say secretively. I don't know whether or not Jungkook has told Taehyung about him wanting to move into his childhood home yet. I don't think it's my place to tell him that.

"That's all you're going to tell me, isn't it?" he asks exasperatedly. I nod. "Well, then you should think about how you could help make that easier for him-" he begins his suggestion, but I shush him.

"A gallery..." I whisper dramatically. "I will book him space in a gallery."

Taehyung looks at me with an unreadable expression. It's a strange mixture of confusion and agreement.

"Yes..." he begins, "I suppose that'd work."

"Would he like it, though?" I say in self-doubt.

"Definitely. He'll love it," Taehyung says, not a bit of sarcasm in his voice. "He'll love it so much that I wish I'd thought of it first and stolen it."

"Ha-ha... If you steal it, I will gnaw your pretty face off," I jokingly threaten. Taehyung laughs, a nervous glimmer in his eyes.

"I know you're joking, but at the same time, I know you'd probably follow through with that treat," he says."You know it," I say with a smile.

The woman comes back with our food, which was prepared surprisingly quickly.

"Are there any galleries nearby?" I ask Taehyung, who is much more likely to know than I am. My knowledge of the city only extends to bars, alleyways, and shelters.

"A few. I actually know the owner of one of them. It's been a year since I helped him out, though. I could call in a favour or two," Taehyung says as he begins planning. "After eating, we could go to visit the place. It's been rented out for this month, and I think for January too. February is free, though, if I'm not mistaken. If I pull a few strings..." he rambles on, but I get too distracted by the food to pay attention.

STRAY // JJK x HYBRID (bunny)✔️ Re-WritingWhere stories live. Discover now