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I step out of the apartment complex. The cold wind passes through the fabric of Jungkook's hoodie, harshly hitting my skin and sending uncomfortable shivers down my spine. I hold the scarf against my neck, hoping it'll keep me warm during the short commute to the cafe.

The street is much less crowded than I expected. Only a few people are making their way down the street, the majority of them, I assume, are heading towards the large mall near the plaza. Small golden lights decorate the lamp posts, some even hanging on the cords holding up the lights hanging above the street. Most windows on the towering apartment complexes display varying assortments of Christmas decor. Despite all of this, it doesn't feel like Christmas. The mini Christmas Jungkook and I held more cheer than the real thing.

I idly walk towards the cafe, feeling particularly bored. I see the window display of the cafe, which is full of red, green, and white Christmas themed pastries and cakes, but before I can get any closer, someone stops me.

"Hey, Bunny!" I hear the familiar upbeat voice belonging to Oh Yeonseo, the creepy art gallery lady, call out to me. She jogs up to me in her long black jacket and matching Scarpin heels, which is a feat seeing as the side-street we're on is made of cobblestone. A bright smile adorns her face when she sees that I'm waiting for her.

She stops in front of me, catching her breath.

"I'm glad I ran into you," she begins, "It's always a pleasure to see a rosy-cheeked bunny hybrid!" She pinches my half-numb cheek with her manicured hand. She flinches when she feels my skin, flattening her hand to cup my face.

"You're so cold, Bunny," she points out.

"I know."

She takes her hand back before inspecting my face.

"You're pale too," she says.

"I know," I reply again.

"Oh, Bunny, you're sick!" she remarks. "What the bloody hell are you doing outside, dressed minimally, in the cold, while sick?"

"I wanted to go to the cafe," I tell her.

"Without your owner?" she asks.

It's silent for a moment as I process her words.

"I can do things without Jungkook," I say quietly. "The idea that hybrids, who have the same cognitive ability as full humans, need to be owned and restricted by something other than laws is ridiculous! I can fully function without a human, and I can go to a cafe independently."

I turn to walk away, but she catches my arm. She sputters for a moment, unsure of what to say. I keep my back facing her, waiting for her to release my arm.

"I'm sorry-" she begins, but I cut her off.

"I don't need an apology, I need human decency and respect."

I tug my hand out of her grasp and storm off, confident that she won't try to catch up to me on the cobblestone street, lest she twist her ankle.

Forgetting about my desire to visit the cafe, I head home. The walk back seems much shorter than my commute there. Fuming, I unlock the door to the apartment complex, and storm inside. 

When inside, I kick off my shoes. I don't bother with taking off the scarf, I just go into my room and throw myself onto my bed, taking my phone out in hopes of finding entertainment from it.

A few hours later, once I've exhausted everything that interests from my phone, I throw it aside and watch it land on the duvet on the other side of the bed. I groan. Now that my anger has dissipated, all I'm left with is boredom.

"Alas, this is how it is!" I reach my arm up dramatically, grasping at nothing. "Abandoned and alone, left to rot in this abode, nothing to do and nowhere to go, woe is me!"

I lazily reach for my phone, desperately trying to nudge it closer with my fingertips. I finally grab it after compromising and moving my body slightly towards it, effectively ruining my lazed stillness. I play the first compilation of sad violin music before continuing my melodramatic lament.

Suddenly, the door opens. Heavy footsteps walk into the living room. I can't see who it is, since I'm lying face-down on the bed, my arms and legs splayed out. My door creaks open.

"What are you doing?" I hear Jungkook ask.

I simply reply with: "Lamenting."

I gingerly lift myself up into a sitting position. "Why are you home?

"I came to check up on you," he says as he sits down next to me on the bed. He's wearing a ridiculous red Christmas sweater.

"I can take care of myself," I tell him before turning off the violin music.

"I know, but that doesn't mean that I don't worry. I felt bad leaving you alone for Christmas, so I spent a few hours with my friends before coming here."

"Kook, we already had a Christmas, remember? Go enjoy your time with your friends," I say with a chuckle.

"And leave you here to lament? No can do." He takes a face mask. "Come, let's go. I'm taking you to meet the guys. You're not so sick that you can't come."

(AN: She is not sick with Corona. Do not go meet people if you have Corona.)

STRAY // JJK x HYBRID (bunny)✔️ Re-WritingWhere stories live. Discover now