Chapter I: Waking Up NOT Next To Him

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I'm currently trying new genres of writing. I apologize for my lack of knowledge about these kinds of "things" ;A;



"Uh..." I woke up, dazed.

I held my hand out to stretch my fingers towards the other side of the bed to touch him, but sadly... he wasn't there anymore. Just me and the sheets. Great!

... not. Well, if we took up a positive perspective... at least the bed's warm. There's always that.

I withdrew my hand from his side of the bed and covered my face with my hands.

"God, what the hell did I just brought myself into?" I whispered anxiously to myself as I looked at my surroundings.

I had to sit up a bit, since I was still in bed. What? I just woke up. I didn't want to get out of bed yet. It's a waste of time and energy, yo!

I tossed and turned, I day-dreamed, and I stared at the ceiling for what I think lasted for 5 minutes. I finally found the urge to lift my body off my bed and gracefully (Well, not gracefully) move to a different area. Since I needeed to relax, I figured I should take a nice relaxing bubble bath.

I needed to think things through. Like last night, for example, It was fantastic. Just me and Justin alone in his room, on his bed, under his covers; Magical.

"Gah! Shut up, brain," I muttered to myself.

I swung my legs to the edge of the bed, eager to get out. The carpet felt good on my bare feet. Nice and soft. Mmm.... Like Justin's lips. God! Stop it. I walked over to his closet and started to look for some clothes; I didn't bring any.

I hope he woldn't mind if I borrowed his. I flipped through his many clothes, grabbed his bag of toiletries and trotted off.

I headed straight to the bathroom. I was about to turn the knob when suddenly, he was behind me.

"Morning, beautiful," he was deliciously close.

I paused for a second and sighed.

"I thought you left," I said in a hushed tone.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder, "Now, who said I was gonna leave?" I could feel his warm breath tickling the back of my neck.

"Um, I don't know. A woman's intuition? You always leave in the morning," I looked down, still aware that I am securely wrapped in his arms.

"Well, you were wrong," he nuzzled my neck softly, "you still haven't greeted me good morning yet," I could imagine him frowning while saying that.

He didn't reply to my other statement though.

"Good morning to you, too, Justin," I couldn't help myself, but giggle as I said his name.

He swiftly spun me around to face him and pressed his lips against mine hard.

"Oh, god..." I thought to myself. I pulled away from his kiss, because I haven't brushed my teeth yet and I didn't want to miss my relaxing, warm bath.

I struggled a bit in his arms. I wanted to break free, but it seemed impossible to escape his grasp, so I simply gave up and leaned against him. Well, not really lean. I did more of a collapse-while-you're-standing-so-that-the-guy-will-catch-you-like-in-those-old-fashioned-movies kind of lean. Smooth. He relaxed a bit, so I was able to move a bit more. I looked at the door and weighed my chances of getting in there before he catches me. I mean, it's only a three-feet dash. His arms around me continued to relax some more. He eventually moved his hands down to my waist and constricted them around me loosely.

FlirtationshipTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon