Notes Part 3

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Tony felt a sharp twinge on the back of his head. He immediately knew what it was, as it had been happening for the past two days. "Alright, Peter, it's on." Tony threatened as he unfolded the paper airplane Peter had thrown. Everyone on the team had been getting smacked by paper airplanes, except Natasha of course, since they talked to each other in ASL.

Tony decided from that day on to have a competition between him and Peter:

Who can place the notes in the most random places.


Peter opened the fridge and grabbed the bottle of apple juice. Just as he was about to pour himself a glass, something caught his eye. Tucked on the inside of the bottle was a note. 'Meet me in the lab after breakfast.
-The Best Avenger Ever'

Peter rolled his eyes and drank his juice.


"Anyone know where Peter's at?" Tony called to the few sitting around the couches.

He was met with a mumbled chorus of no's. Tony sighed as his head lolled back in exasperation. He had been looking all over for Peter. As he stared at the ceiling he noticed something that didn't quite blend in. Climbing into the counter, he could just barely reach the note, taped to the ceiling. While he began to read it Pepper walked in, glancing at him.

"Tony I thought we talked about this." Pepper said, disappointed, "I understand that you like to feel call, but climbing on the counter is disgusting."

Tony looked up, jumping off the kitchen island, "Actually, this is Peter's fault. He left a note for me on the ceiling."

"Uh-huh. Blame the kid." Pepper sassed.

"It is!" Tony replied, finally taking time to read the piece of paper.

'In Clint's vent nest, watching Tangled.'


Peter had just returned from patrol, his head had felt weird today, like there was a constant tingling sensation and a buzzing sound. He wandered into the kitchen just in time to see Tony burn his hand from spilt coffee. "Son of a-" he started.

"Language, Mr. Stark." Peter interrupted. Tony whipped his head around. Him and Peter stared at each other before Peter ran over to Tony, hugging him with a tight grip. "I could hear you Mr. Stark, I could hear you!"

Tony hugged the kid just as closely. "I'm so proud of you Peter, this wasn't easy for you to deal with. Gods, I'm so sorry this happened."

Peter pulled back. "It wasn't your fault Mr. Stark. But, uh, also, speak a little louder next time, I could barely hear you."

"Oh, so it's just my swearing you can hear, huh?" Tony chuckled as he ruffled Pete's hair.

"Stoppp." Peter whined.


Today would be the last of his stay at Stark Tower. Even though Tony wanted him to remain longer, he really missed his aunt and knew she would want to see him.

Peter had almost fully recovered his hearing, and at this rate, would probably have it all back in two days, max.

Peter walked into the lab, expecting to find Tony, but didn't. So Peter chose to write on more note.

'Thanks for taking care of me Mr. Stark.' he scrawled on a piece of scrap paper, along with a hastily drawn Spiderman mask in the corner.

When Tony found it late that night, he smiled. Gosh how he loved this kid. He opened a corner cabinet and found a pile of all sizes of picture frames. He honestly didn't know why they were all here. Tony picked out a small, dark wooden one. Placing the note inside he hung the frame on his wall of memories in the lab, which his degrees, marriage certificate, and various photos. Stepping back, Tony stared at the wall, another adventure he'd never forget.


Authors note:

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 3K READS! It means the world to me❤️.

Sorry this part took a while to publish, but I hope you like it. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Lots of love,

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