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Canada's POV

Hearing how everyone was doing was calming to both me and America, even though he would never admit it to me. We loved the PTS and viewed them as our children, despite them all being close to the same age as us. The provinces and territories were mine, while the states were Ame's. I was concerned to hear from PEI that Alberta broke his arm the day after last month's checkup and just got out of his cast last week. At least he was ambidextrous and his broken bones didn't get in the way of his art. America couldn't stop laughing when Idaho flipped on the twins, I even had to hide a grin. Florida and Alabama announced that they started dating and I could almost see his heart swell with happiness for his gay boys.

 As we talked, we were careful about the volume level. UN, EU, and NATU were downstairs talking to our mom and dad. We didn't know what would happen to the PTS if they were discovered by anyone else. It our fear for them that kept us from telling the PTS about other countries, even though many guessed. It tore America apart when Hawaii developed a burn on her arm from the war between him and Japan Empire. Even more of the states felt something going when America started dating Russia. The only ones who knew for sure were New Mexico, Quebec, and Ontario. In the case of Ontario, it was because he held the capital, while Quebec knew because he held the most political power. New Mexico figured it out because of his name, he only knew of Mexico on the plus side. Me and Ame made them swear not to tell the others or to try and communicate with other countries.

When we logged off, we heard a voice demand, "Who the hell are those people?!"


Saskatchewan's POV

As I walked to the nearby woods, accompanied by Hawaii and Al. Al technically could be described as walking, the thing was he was on his hands trying to make Hawaii laugh. Hawaii's face was still and unmoving, even when Al was walking backward and tripped over a trash can. How she did it, I don't know, my gut still hurt from how hard I was laughing. I feel so bad for Hawaii, I know she gave her heart to my brother. It was illegal for a state and province/territory to date because that could kill the two and make a new country. Hawaii was good at hiding it but I could tell it hurt her when Al casually flirted with BC or PEI. It wasn't Alberta's fault that he was flirty as a joke, well it sorta was... Al's voice cut through my thoughts, "I give up, Hiwi, but remember I don't just trip over garbage cans for just anyone,"

Hawaii laughed at the new nickname, every day Al would call her a different one and see her reaction to it. If he liked the reaction it stayed, last time that happened, we were five with Hawaii being six. Al squinted his eyes at Hawaii and muttered to himself, "Hiwi it is."

That took me and Hawaii by shock, Al was never satisfied with her reaction or most of his art for the record. I saw Hawaii open her mouth in shock but I beat her to ask the question, "WHAT?! You're never satisfied with her reaction! NEVER! What gives?"

Al chuckled at my outburst. I narrowed my eyes, I hated it when he was amused by my emotions. Al replied calmly, "Sasquatch, you really can't believe how hard it is to come up with a different name every day."

I quickly retorted, "You've been coming up with a different nickname every day since we were six! That's ten friggen' years, you really can't be stopping now!"

"But that's my point, it's been ten years. It's getting boring and childish," Al complained.

"Childish? CHILDISH!? You still insist on dressing up for Halloween! Every! SINGLE! YEAR?!" I snapped at him, just for the sake of an argument.

Al getting the drift, pretended to huff and shot back, "It's for the free candy! FREE CANDY! You are an insane province to give THAT up! INSANE," with each word he jabbed a finger at my chest laughing.

Hawaii's POV

I rolled my eyes at the twin's fake argument, knowing that it didn't mean a thing. Omigosh these two are so immature, voicing my thoughts I suppressed a grin. Alberta and Saskatchewan turned and huffed at me, speaking in unison, "Sorry we're joking around, also what does that say about you? You are friends with us after all."

Laughing I shot back a fake insult, and as we walked we joked and pushed each other. I couldn't help but be reminded why I wanted to be friends with the twins in the first place. Soon Alberta pulled out his phone and played Sweet Dreams are Made of This

(817 words)

Yes, I made Florida and Alabama gay boyyos, it was requested by Jazzie_Writez. 
Yes, the twins are awesome. 

Still taking advice for the state's genders and ships, don't hesitate for ships or genders for the provinces and territories either.
 Still looking for a book cover if anyone wants to help.

Btw for anyone who was wondering, Alberta is bi in this while Sasquatch is pan. Hawaii's straight tho.

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