
I watch Adrian get into an unknown car from where I stand on the field I look down not baring with the idea I don't mean anything to him. I'm walking over to my car when I see the unknown car hasn't moved, I have to walk past it to get to my car. I try not to look at it as I walk past but as I walk past, I noticed Adrian hugging someone like his life depended on it. I rush to my car throwing my bag into the passenger seat. I get in and just slam my head onto my steering wheel frustrated with everything going on. Adriana has moved and I'm here just angry for no reason. I pick my head up from the steering wheel just in time to see the car drive away. I stare at it drive away and just sighed.

Pulling into my drive way I saw my dads car parked already. Considering its already 6:30 its not really a surprise, I park and grab my duffle bag. I'm greeted by the smell of amazing food and the sound of Selena playing. He's such a dork. I drop my bag by the door an walk to the door just to see him practicing his old Folkloric dance movies and sliding around in his socks. I don't say anything as I just wait for him to turn around and notice me. When he finally does he jumps and lets out a yelp.

"Damn it Carlos you're going to give me a heart attack!" he says while holding the wooden spoon to his chest. I just chuckle and walk over to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry dad couldn't resist, what are you making?" I walk over to the pot on the stove and notice its my favorite!

"Mole verde! I was missing my grandparents and just made it." He looks at the pot lovingly his grandparents used to make big pots of the stuff and call him over just eat it. He always loved it even though his nana would make brown mole and he hated it.

"Why don't you go visit them?" His smile falls, crap why did I say that!

"Aye mijo you know I would love to but..." he looks back at the mole

"I know dad I'm sorry" I side hug him as he wipes a single tear away and goes back to how he was just a moment ago. My dad rarely ever looses his composure except in these moments when he remembers those he's lost. He's barely able to go visit my mom on the day of their anniversary but he forces himself. He says you do the impossible for the ones you love. Soon it'll be time to prepare an alter for everyone so we can celebrate and remember the lives they lived. that's why I love my culture we always celebrate the life they lived and dad makes tons of food. Him and Adrian always make tons of tamales and I'm never allowed to help because they say the come out bad when I make them. Oh right Adrian won't be helping this year... My dumbass ruined that. I don't even know why I did any of what I did. I kiss my dad on the cheek again and walk over to my room. We live in a nice sized single story house with four rooms and backyard with a pool. We don't need much since its just us and we've never relly been one for material objects. Sure we spend out fair share on random stuff we don't really need but we don't make it a point to buy the newest products just cause there new if we have the older model and it still works its good enough for us. Opening the door to my room I look at the pieced together photos of Adrian and me. After he came out and told me I blew up at him and kicked him out of my house.

~flash back~

    I just finished kicking Adrian's ass at super smash bros for like the 1000th time and he just grunts in frustration about losing yet again. He falls back onto my bad and stares up for a second I decide to plop down next to him.

"Hey Carlos can I tell you something?" Suddenly he sounds serious and I sit up to look down at him.

"Of course, man you know you can tell me anything" I smile down at him to reassure that it'll be ok. He takes a deep shaky breath.

"I'm gay" His words hang in the air.

"Dude you're fucking with me" I was in utter shock and just couldn't comprehend that he was gay.

"I'm not." Looking at him I could see the pain on his face. It's true.

"Get out" His pain turned to shock. I'm just as shocked that these words came out of my mouth.

"C-carlso you're kidding right? Come on man you're kidding-"

"I'm not get out now!" I raised my voice something I'd rarely ever done so with him. He froze for only a moment but he quickly got up grabbing his bag and ran out the room. I stayed frozen in place until I heard the front door slam shut. I stood up from my bed and ripped the photos of us down from my walls, threw the photo frames of us against the wall. I screamed mad for a reason I don't even know.

    My dad comes into the room and sees me there standing full of rage. He hugged me from behind and just held me for a moment. I relaxed in his arms.

"Aye mijo que pasado?" my dad turns me to look at him the rage gown from my face and I just feel utterly defeated.

"Adrian is gay" my dad looks at me questioningly waiting for the news that could have caused this outburst. When I don't say anything, he sighs and smacks me upside the head.

"Aye why would you get upset about that! For god sakes I'm bi and have raised you to be accepting of all who are different from you. So why mijo? Why would you hurt your friend like this?" I looked at him, feeling ashamed because I know he's right. I look down and shake my head.

"I don't know dad it just...it felt like he'd been lying to me by not telling me sooner! He knows I would still accept and love him the same" My dad smacks me upside the head again this time a bit harder.

"You say this but look at what you just did!" The anger in his voice is clear now. Not only have I lost my best friend but now my father is disappointed in me.

"Mijo you need to fix this before you cannot go back or you'll lose him for good." He hugs me again and leaves me to think alone in my room. I decide to text Albert maybe he'll have an idea as towards what I should do. I explain what happened and sit waiting for a reply. I never get one. Then the next morning at school it was like all hell broke loose. Albert had quickly spread the word that Adrian was gay to the school. And I was to ashamed to try and fix it.

~end flash back~

I look towards the pieced together photos of Adriana and I. I want to fix all of this but my own arrogance and stupidity won't allow me to. Instead I just keeping making things worse. When I saw him in the locker room, I was shocked and just thought he did it to piss me off. But I'm not even on his raider anymore the way he looks at me now shows that. When he turned his back towards me I saw I saw I black heart with what looked like flowers sewn into his skin underneath it read "Beauty hides in the dark". The image of it burned into my mind. So many questions float around in my head, who was he with? When did he get the tattoo?, why can't I just fix things? If I try will he even care? How did he change so much? I just keep looking at the photo of us sitting in this room looking like such dorks. Dad eventually calls me down stairs to come eat. I rush down the steps knowing he made grandmas mole and nanas rice it's the best combo in the world. Just the thought of it has me salivating. He sets a big steaming plate in front of me. I dig right into without a second thought and the flavors hit me all at once.

"So mijo have you talked to Adrian?" My fork freezes mid air, we haven't talked much about what happened with Adrian after the first time. He knows Adrian got shunned because of my stupidity and is just hurt that I would make such a mistake. So he's dropped the topic almost all together. I put the fork down and look at him.

"Yeah we talked today..." his eyes narrow in on me and he as well stops eating when he hears this. He wipes his lips with his napkin brings hits hands up to rest his chin on them and looks at me sternly.

"Did you try to fix things?" His hard gazes makes me swallow before speaking in an attempt to settle my nerves.

"No I-I I'm pretty sure I made things worse" he says nothing as he rises from the table giving me one last glance and walking away. His silence speaks louder then any of his words could. He walks into the direction of his room and I hear the door slam shut. I grab both our plates knowing neither of us will be eating anymore for now. I put them on the kitchen count and walk to the living where pictures of my family scatter across the walls as well as a statue of my and my fathers patron saint Of the impossible saint Jude. We're not very religious but my dad has had this statue for as long as I can remember he said it always helped him. Now I look towards it in hopes that maybe he can help me figure out how to fix this. Maybe he'll do the impossible for me and help me swallow my fucking pride and not get mad when I see Adrian.

Adrain BDSM (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now