Teil Eins (Part One)

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Author's Note: Hi guyssss. So this was a story I wrote way back in the seventh grade... It's about a teacher I really didn't like. Her name obviously was not "Mrs. Schmitz", and the main character is me, though my name isn't Malachi. Enjoy, ich vermute? I don't know. Good luck. It's really cringey. The title is based off of the movie The Hunt for Red October if you couldn't tell.


KA-BAM! The wall that separates the hall from Mrs. Schmitz room blew away.

"You could have just used the DOOR!" Mrs. Schmitz screeched.

"That's no fun when you have god-like powers". Malachi explained as he hovered through the opening.

"What are you doing anyway?" Mrs. Schmitz asked as she approached Malachi.

"Stay back! I have a force field!" Malachi shouted as Mrs. Schmitz walked into the force field and was blown backward.

"I am here to fire you." Malachi said quite gleefully.

"WHAT! Why? How could you!" Mrs. Schmitz yelled.

"I'm firing you because you cant teach a starving monkey to eat a banana to save your life! And also because you're dreadfully rude, mean, and arrogant. Also, I can fire you because... IM A GOD! Or close to it." Malachi explained.

"Um... you can fix that wall right? Because if you can't you're not allowed to bust walls anymore." Mr. Jay said politely, walking in behind Malachi.

Malachi then used the force to put the wall back together, and used some mystical force to make the wall sturdy. As Malachi was fixing the wall, Mrs. Schmitz was breaking through the big window on the opposite wall of the door and making a run for it.

"You can't fire me, if you can't catch me!" She shouted as she ran, then tripped and fell; then got back up, and ran again.

"Clones! After her!" Malachi commanded as tens of clone troopers ran out the window after Mrs. Schmitz.

"Clones? Where'd you get clones?" Mr. Jay inquired.

"I'm a god remember? Well close enough to them. The only difference is that I don't have religious people following me and I can't create REAL humans. I can create a clone of you," Malachi said as he pointed to Mr. Jay, "but it wouldn't have feelings or anything. I can create clone troopers, Jedi; heck I could even create agents from the Matrix movies! But they would be more like robots than humans. Even though agents from the Matrix movies are sort of like robots anyway... and also, I can't just kill people, like snap my fingers and they're dead; I can't do that. But, I can smash them with an elephant over and over and they would die. Although I've only done that to clones of people I don't like."

The Hunt for Red SchmitzWhere stories live. Discover now