Part 2: Help!

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The Camera shows you eating some bread you stole from the cafeteria and you eat the last slice.

You then decide to look around the Academy as you were bored. You went back in the cafeteria and you were traveling around under tables, sometimes accidentally tripping people with your tail. Until you made it to a table you liked and sat there. You then listen to the conversation.

Weiss: I can't believe you got detention for setting up a prank!

Ruby: I swear I didn't do it!

Weiss: That's what they all say.

But then you let out a loud honk as someone stepped on your tail, and it was a tall blonde girl. Everyone in the cafeteria looked at the table you were under. And the people at the table looked under it and saw you. There was a long silence until...








Ren: Calm on the outside but screaming in fear on the inside.

You then couldn't take it and ran out in the open as the teachers and some students were chasing you. You almost got out, but then a purple bubble encased you and you started floating.

(Y/N): Confused Honk

Then a woman in a purple cape walked up to you and stared at you before you brought out your knife and it enlarged to 4 times the size and you slashed the bubble open and accidentally ran deeper in the school. Everyone was shocked and stunned but the teachers quickly went after you but you were long gone.


You ran in a room and went under a bed and lied down in tiredness. You fell asleep.

But then you feel a weight on too of you and you let out a loud honk surprising everyone in the room and the person looked down at you and it was the girl with black hair.

You instantly ran but the Door was locked and then the tallest one picked you up.

Yang: Gotcha!

You honked at the blonde one multiple times wanting to be let go.

You then peck her on the breast letting you get away and you finally get back in the kitchen. You hide in a cabinet making sure no one was following you. 15 minutes passed and you got out. You then proceeded to eat all of the vegetables and bread in the kitchen. You went back in the cabinet and fell asleep.

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