bandaids • lifeline

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do you miss me like how i missed you?

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do you miss me like how i missed you?

lifeline x male!reader

lifeline patches the reader up after a fight

warnings: none


a explosion was set off right in front of them. they also heard a scream from within the explosion as well. both lifeline and wraith watches as sparky was blasted off from the hill from a frag gernade. he was tumbling down the hill pretty badly. he was almost close enough to hit one of the big rocks even. the girls glanced at each other worriedly, wondering if the youngest legend was okay.

"i'm okay!"

sparky gets back up, giving the girls a thumbs up. another arc star was thrown at him. sparky was blown back once again, hitting the crate right behind him. lifeline and wraith wince as he hit the ground once again.

"still okay!"

after finishing off the squad, lifeline slides down the hill. she held doc in her arms, seeing sparky still down there in pain. since he used his shockwave, his brain must've short circut. which meant that he just sat there trying to recover from both grenades and the effect of using his shockwave for the second time for the match. wraith goes ahead and collects some stuff for the both of them.

"come on with cha'! say hello." she says as she lifts doc down.

automatically, doc starts healing the both of them. she helps sparky up, seeing all the wounds that were caused heal right up. he holds his head in pain, one of the mini effects from using his shockwave. lifeline looks over his wounds, seeing cuts that weren't healing scattered all over his hands. it was probably hitting the rocks or the arc stars. whatever it was, lifeline needed to take care of it. blood was building up in the mini wounds.

"give me ya hands, i need to patch em'."

sparky holds his hands out in response to her. she dug into one of her bags, taking out some bandaids. she couldn't help but feel that this seem a bit to familiar. helping someone out with cuts on their hands reminded her of someone else.

sparky shakes his head, trying to get the hair out of his eyes. it only made it worse because now he couldn't see through it. his hair was longer than most of the guys. it was at least ear length. probably almost to his shoulders. lifeline scolded him many times that he should just tie his hair back so that he could see better.

"let me tie ya hair back, spark." lifeline suggests, putting on the last bandaid onto his hand his right hand.

he scrunches his face up in disgust, shaking his head. "nope! i can see perfectly fine!"

"maybe you can aim better when you have your hair out of your face." wraith speaks up as she slides her way down to the both of them.

"my aim is good! and can we go now? there might be another squad somewhere."

lifeline shakes her head, letting go of his hand and grabbing the other. "sure ya can. and stop moving, i'm almost done!"

sparky mutters under his breath saying that he was fine or something. wraith grabbed something that was tied around her wrist. it was a hairband that she always carry around just in case her bun falls out of her hair. she mutters a hold still, keeping sparky in place. since sparky was kept busy with his hands, he barely noticed his hair getting held back into a messy bun. lifeline notices, smiling softly as some hair strands got free.

after finishing with their other hand, she lets him go. sparky reloads both of his guns, already wanting to get away from this area. wraith and lifeline head towards the hill leading up towards the dome. after looting the death boxes, they all head to the dome. since there were two other squads left, they decided to third party the squad that was left.

wraith watches out, meanwhile lifeline and sparky keeps ahold on the inside of the building. sparky starts messing with his hair, feeling the lack of hair that was down. lifeline watches as he starts to feel the bun in his hair, snickering as his face turns from calm to confusion.

"why is my hair like this?! reneé?!" he hears wraith and lifeline laughing, hearing his reaction.

"don't take it out yet, besides you look adorable." lifeline compliments.

"no i shouldn't be adorable! i'm fierce and strong!"

"hmph, sure ya are, sparks."

before he could say something back, the door busted open. sparky panics and starts shooting. luckily it was from another squad, and with him down, he was only knocked. he backs away, showing off a golden shield. wraith jumps down, standing next to lifeline.

"yeet and delete!" sparky shouts, lifting up the downs hostile.

he chucks him into the lava, leaving him to burn into the hot lava down below. lifeline and wraith starts laughing at the action, seeing sparky do a little dance. after a few seconds, an announcement came out.

"you are the winners."

sparky cheers as he runs around the arena. both lifeline and wraith high five one another, proud of winning. sparky comes up behind them and picks the both of them up, smiling brightly.


sparky walks to the lowering platform, seeing mirage and gibraltar standing on the platform. he jumps down in time before it got too low.

"looks like you got a new style, brotha!" gib mentions, gesturing towards the bun.

mirage looks over to see his hair in a neat bun. sparky grows red at the mention of his bun. the bun fell out during the ride to worlds edge, and lifeline noticed obviously. she helped him tie it up. it was a first of seeing his hair up. it revealed more of his face and his looks.

"looks like the girls got to you, huh?" mirage teases, punching the youngers shoulder playfully. "next thing you'll know is that you'll have braids-"

sparky immediately punches him in the gut. he then proceeds to throw him out the ship. gibraltar laughs as both he and sparky jump after mirage, trying to stick with him.

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