Chapter Twenty One - Drake

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Four months later....

I wake up to the sun shining through the bedroom window as the smell of bacon hits my nose. I follow the aroma down the hall to the kitchen, where my beautiful wife is preparing what looks like a four course breakfast. We've been married almost three months now and I still can't believe it most days. I feel like the luckiest guy on the planet. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her, placing my hands on her round belly that's temporarily housing our little girl. She finishes up cooking and turns to face me, planting a kiss on my cheek before I lean down to kiss her stomach. "Good morning, princess," I whisper to our little girl before making my way over to the kitchen island to enjoy breakfast. Sierra walks up to the stool next to me and sits down, her belly just barely missing the edge of the counter. She grunts in frustration.


"Maybe I should've set the table that we never use," she says. "I don't fit on the stool anymore."

"Stop that, sweetie," I tell her. "You're not that big. And you look absolutely radiant."

"I look like a blimp," she replies, gesturing to her stomach. 

"You do not," I reassure her. "You look like an amazing woman who is growing another life inside of her. It's positively awesome and super badass."

I manage to get a smile out of her. "I'm 33 weeks today, so technically I only have 7 more weeks to go," she says. "I guess when you think about how far I've come, it's really not that much longer."

"That's a great way to look at it," I tell her. "Speaking of which, did you ever decide on a name?"

"I was leaning toward Jessica Lucille," she says.

"After our mothers?" I ask, feeling a tear start to form.

"If you don't like it, we can come up with something else," she offers.

"I love it," I tell her. "I think it's perfect."


Later that day, I'm laying on the bed reading a book while Sierra takes a shower. I'm so entranced in the story that I don't even hear the water shut off or hear her enter the room. I only look up when I hear her clear her throat. My gorgeous, heavily pregnant wife is standing next to the bed, naked and still wet from her shower. She smiles at me as she sits down next to me and nuzzles her face against my neck. I feel her lips trailing kisses up my neck to my ear, where she whispers, "Curse these pregnancy hormones. I need you inside me. Now." I look over at her in shock, just to make sure I heard her correctly. If there's one thing I've learned throughout this pregnancy, it's do NOT piss her off in any way. She sees my face and gives me a nod to confirm that, yes, she really said that. As further proof, she lays down on the bed as flat as she can and spreads her legs wide.

I rip my boxers off in one swift motion and position myself with my knees between her legs and my arms to her sides. I move slowly, attempting to be gentle, but she growls at me and says, "Now, Drake." I fill her up with one thrust and start going to town. In and out, harder, faster, all while feasting on her beautiful breasts. "Yes, Drake, yes!" she cries. "Just like that." "You feel so good, babe," I tell her. "So damn good." "Faster!" she urges. I can't tell this woman no, never could, so I do as she asks. Pretty soon my thrusts become desperate, and I'm on the brink of sweet release. "Shit, Sierra," I say. "I'm almost there. I'm going to cum." "Drake!" she screams just as I feel her warmth envelope my entire length. A few more thrusts and I'm right there with her. I cum so hard I feel like it's never going to stop. "Fuck!" I yell out as I feel myself spasm deep inside her. Unexpectedly, there's another surge of warmth that spills out of Sierra. A few moments later, I pull out completely and drop back on the bed completely spent. 

I get up and head into the bathroom for a quick shower. After drying off and throwing on a pair of boxers and some sweats, I get ready to lay back down next to Sierra when she grabs my arm to stop me.


"What's wrong, sweetheart?" I ask. 

"I don't think that last orgasm was an actual orgasm," she says, using her free hand to rub her belly.

"What do you mean?" I reply. "That was definitely an orgasm. And it was huge."

"Not yours, Drake," she tells me. "Mine. That last rush of warmth that came from me. It wasn't an orgasm."

It takes me a moment to process what she's saying. "Wait," I say. "Are you trying to tell me that your water broke? Are you in labor?"

"Pretty sure that's exactly it," she confirms. "You were in the shower for ten minutes. In those ten minutes, I had 5 contractions."

"5?" I repeat. "But that would mean your contractions are two minutes apart."

"Which means we need to get to the hospital. Now." she replies.


Five minutes later, Sierra is in a hospital room, propped up on the bed in the birthing position. Everything is happening so fast that I haven't had time to let our brothers know what's going on. The doctor comes in just as Sierra is coming down from another contraction. She brings a stool over to the spot right between Sierra's legs and tells us that she's going to check Sierra's cervix to see how far she's dilated. The room goes eerily quiet as we both watch the doctor's expression, waiting for her to tell us what's going on. Time seems to stop, and Sierra and I exchange a look that says "something's wrong". Finally, the doctor looks up at us and says, "Sierra, I'm going to need you to start pushing."


"Already?" she asks.

"You said you've been contracting every two minutes, correct?" the doctor replies.

"Since my water first broke about twenty minutes ago, yes," Sierra responds.

"Well, my darling, you are fully dilated and your baby's head is already crowning," the doctor tells her. "So again, I'm going to need you to push."

Sierra looks at me and I take her hand in mine. "I'm right here, sweetie," I assure her. "I'll be right here the whole time. Just remember your breathing and do what the doctor tells you."

She nods and turns back toward the doctor. She breathes the way we were taught during our lamaze classes, then lets out a low growl as she pushes. 

"That's good, Sierra," the doctor says. "Again. Once we get the shoulders out, the rest is a cake walk."

Sierra breathes again, squeezes my hand, and she pushes a little harder this time. She lets out a groan as she falls back onto the bed.

"Again," the doctor urges. "You've almost got it."

Once again, Sierra sets herself up for a big push, then screams in agony as she pushes with all her might. I rub my thumb across her knuckles lovingly, my way of letting her know that I'm here and that she's doing great.

"That's it, darlin," the doctor encourages her. "One last push and your beautiful baby will be here."

Sierra takes a deep breath, finds her focal point, and pushes as hard as she can until...


"WAAAAHHHH!" The baby cries. Our baby. Our precious little girl. The doctor holds her up to show us, offers up a congratulations, then hands her off to the nurses to be cleaned and weighed. After they've wrapped her in a blanket and stuck a cap on her head, the one nurse hands her over to Sierra. "7 pounds, 9 ounces, and 18 inches," she says. "Congratulations mom and dad." Once they've all cleared out of the room, Sierra kisses our daughter's forehead and smiles. "Welcome to the world, Jessica Lucille Johnson," she coos. As I watch my wife fawn over this new life we've created, I can't help but smile. I truly am the luckiest guy in the world.

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