CHAPTER 14: Even I laughed

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"You didn't tell her?" My sister asks looking at me confused and a little bewildered. 

"I didn't. I wasn't sure if I was going to even have her meet you yet, but you insisted and I just didn't have a chance to from the car to here." I tell her. 

She laughs a little bit. 

"Well, I have cancer and that is why I am wearing a wig and also the reason why I unfortunately can't get up to hug you is because I'm weak. But I just had to meet you." She smiles. 

"Well it's very nice to meet you." Evie tells her. 

"You as well." She says before she looks at at me. "What?"

"I just still don't know how you can be so calm about everything, is all." I reply. 

"Because there's nothing else we can do. We've already talked about this." She tells me. 

I stay quiet for a moment, anxiously bouncing my leg because I just can't stand how she's more accepting of her fate than I am when she's the one going though it too. Before there's too much of our awkward silence, I stand up to get ready to leave. 

"Okay well, we'll see you later sis." I say before walking over to her and leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek. 

Next, Evie walks over to bend down to give her a hug while I overhear my sister tell her to take care of me. 

After we leave and are on the road not knowing where we're going yet, I try to breathe in and out a couple of times.

"Your sister is really pretty and also very nice." Evie says. 

"Thanks." I reply. 

"She also sure does have a good sense of humor about everything." She comments.

"Yes well, it's annoying sometimes." I reply before turning the corner. 

:Would you rather her be miserable or mad for what's left of her days?" She asks. 

Now I know she meant nothing bad by that but I still somehow had taken offense to it. 

"Can we just drop it?" I snapped at her not meaning to. 

"Yeah. I'm sorry." She says before she looks out the window. 

"I'm sorry." I tell her more calmly after pulling off to the side of the road then unbuckling while turning to look at her. "It's hard for me to accept losing her. She's the only family I have left and it kills me to know I can't help her. I try acting tough, I try even forgetting about it all together, but I can't. I feel guilty even living my life and going out because she can't do that. She has been robbed of that. I couldn't save my mom neither. I even fear going out to leave her because I'm scared I'll come home and find her dead without me there to say goodbye." I begin to fight back tears. 

Next I felt her hand take hold of mint and noticed her wipe a tear away from my eye. 

"I understand if you'd rather hang out with your sister. In fact, I don't care if you even want to go there during the times we hang out even. I just want to be with you and I also want to thank you too for letting me be a part of your life like that." She tells me. 

I look into her eyes and smile. Then she places a hand on the back of my neck as I do with the side of her face before we both lean in and touch foreheads. 

"You don't know how long I've waited for someone like you." I tell her. 

"Same." She says. We both lean in and start to kiss before we next take off and head to the movies. 

I am truly lucky to have found somebody like her. Then after we finished seeing a movie, we went over to the restaurant next door and had some dinner. 

While eating, I looked up at one point and saw an ex of mine. We were Sophomore's in high school at the time and dated all throughout Senior year it happened. 

Last I heard though a few years ago was engaged to the guy she had cheated on me with. It was years ago but just looking at her brings back that anger and sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

So I get up after paying for the check and then as soon as I take Evie's hand to begin leaving, right when we reach the door, I hear her call out my name. 

"Oh my god, Maverick?" She says. 

Both Evie and I stopped and looked behind us as I froze. 

"Hey." I reply. 

"It's been a long time." She smiles at me then looks at Evie and looks unhappy and disgusted. 

"Yeah. This is my girlfriend, Evie." I tell her as I kiss Evie and hold her hand firmly. 

"Huh...." She says before looking back at me. "Well anyways, I'm back in town. Maybe we should get together and catch up." She states. 

Right as she starts to reach to caress my arm, I back away and Evie then steps in. 

"He says he's taken and no you will NOT be coming near him. Got it?!" She snaps at her. 

"What are you gonna do about it? Eat me?" She laughs followed by her minions behind her. 

"Yeah, extra deep fried. That way I don't have to taste the slut and bitch flavor." Evie fires back 

Even I laughed at that. That's my girl! 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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