CHAPTER 20: I'll Do It For Her

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"What do you think it is you're doing?" He asks as we take a seat in the living room.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, what are you doing bringing that poor thing into your drama?" He asks.

"I'm not. And for your information, she already knows about what's going on and still wants to be with me." I snap at him.

He takes in a deep breath and lets it out as he holds the bridge of his nose.

"Maverick, I know that I haven't been the best of uncle and I know I may stepped over the line between that and being a father figure, but you need to remember that you and your sister weren't the only ones that lost someone who meant so much to you." He says.

"I know that. But you didn't help us out when we needed you to." I quickly remind him.

"I understand that but you can't blame me for the path you chose with your uncle. I tried so hard to warn you about not to get mixed up with him and even promised your mother I would keep you from that." He states.

"Yeah well, like you said, you weren't always good at the whole 'father figure' thing." I spit back at him.

"I know you hate me and I am not telling you otherwise. However, your sister is right. We need to move on past whatever issues we have to make her final days less dramatic and upsetting." He says.

"I'm not the one who has done that." I glare at him. "In fact, do I need to remind you that I have been here more for my mom and my sister since day one than you ever were before and after our mother's death?"

"I know that. I already told you that I own up to my imperfections and all those times I had fucked up with you both. But I am trying and in all honesty, you don't make it easy." He snaps at me.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Are you saying it's my fault there's always been tension between you and me?!" I asked trying to hold in my frustration and anger.

"No. All I'm saying is that you don't make it easy when you keep pushing people away from you. I know you haven't had it easy since your father left but I need for you to understand that from this point on I will do whatever it takes to try and make things better between you and I. And you can hate me all you want to but we need to try and do this for the sake of your sister."

Neither one of us says anything and then I begin to realize that he's right. If anything, I can do this for my sister.

"Fine. I'm willing to do it for her but let's get something clear right now, don't ever mention my girlfriend and about our relationship. You don't know neither one of us and it's none of your business. I like her a lot and she means just as much to me as my sister and mom." I tell him as I stand up.

"Alright." He replies as he stands up facing me. "But then at least break this whole business you have with my brother. It will not end well." He warns me.

"I can't do that, not yet." I tell him.

"Why not? Is it because of money? If you need money then I can help you out." He starts.

"No. I got myself into this and I will get myself out. Besides, he's in town and him and I were gonna meet up tomorrow. I will talk to him then." I promised.

"Okay." He nods.

He then leaves and I just head upstairs to my bedroom and sit on my bed so that I can think about what will happen tomorrow when I talk to my uncle. Because he hasn't asked to see me for tomorrow but I need to talk to him and I need to get out of this mess.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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