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Today is the day. The day that the girls have been dreading; Tai's court date. Though I'm not qualified for this job, I was appointed as the Bailiff for this case. The job seems fairly simple I keep order and tackle the fuck out of Tai, maybe shoot him if he tries to do something. The girls are in the back of my car, while I'm giving them a pep talk, and telling exactly what's going to happen.

Me: Alright girls, I'm not going to sugar coat it, when you see him, you will most likely have a PTSD attack, but you should not show him that you're scared of him, it will give him power over you, and if you can't talk, he will get a lesser sentence, which we all don't want. I will be right in front of you, and if he tries to do anything, I will be on him before you can even blink, that's a promise. I will keep you safe, that's a promise.

I stepped out of the car and opened both doors, then we walked into the courthouse to wait for our case to be called.


The judge called me in a few minutes before the case was called, and I stood before his podium. The girls walked in and sat down, I gave them a smile and nod. Then, four officers escorting Tai, who was in handcuffs, sat him down, then left the room. The session is starting now.

Me: All rise.

Everyone stood.

Me: Department One of the Superior Court is now in session. Judge James Hawthorn presiding. Please be seated.

Judge: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of the city of Vale versus Taiyang Xiao Long. Are both sides ready?

District Attorney: Ready for the People, Your Honor.

Public Defender: Ready for the defense, Your Honor.

Judge: Will the clerk please swear in the jury?

Clerk: Will the jury please stand and raise your right hand?

Each of the members of the Jury stood as the Clerk spoke again.

Clerk: Do each of you swear that you will fairly try the case before this court and that you will return a true verdict according to the evidence and the instructions of the court, so help you, God? Please say "I do."

Jury: I do

Clerk: You may be seated.

We recently found out what happened to the Officer that went to the house, other officers found his body tied to a cinder block and at the bottom of the lake.

Me: Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: The defendant has been charged with Domestic Abuse, child abuse, possession of cocaine, possession of a stolen firearm, and Murder of a Police Officer. The evidence shows that the cocaine and firearm were found in the defendant's bedroom and the scars and bruises on Summer Rose, Ruby Rose, and Yang Xiao Long. The defendant's fingerprints were found on the firearm. The evidence I present will prove to you that the defendant is guilty as charged.

(I know this is technically supposed to be the Deputy DA, but just roll with it.)

Tai's attorney stood up and addressed the court.

Public Defender: Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: under the law, my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client. You will come to know the truth: that Taiyang did not possess any cocaine or a stolen firearm, nor did he abuse his daughters and wife, as well as he did not murder a police officer.

Judge: The prosecution may call its first witness.

Deputy DA: The People call Summer Rose to the stand.

I walked over to her and quickly whispered in her ear.

Me: Remember what we talked about.

I escorted her to the stand and sat her up there.

Clerk: Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God?

Summer: I do.

Clerk: Please state your first and last name.

Summer: Summer Rose.

Clerk: You may be seated.

Summer sat down and took a deep breath.

Reporter: Please spell your last name for the record.

Summer: R o s e

Deputy DA: Summer, where were you on the day of Taiyang's arrest?

Summer: I was at home.

Deputy: What were you doing?

Summer: I was making dinner, and suddenly, Tai forced me upstairs along with my daughters, he said: "The pigs are here."

Deputy: Did you file any reports to the police, or call the police when you were allegedly being abused?

Summer: No, he always said he would hurt my daughters worse if I did, it's my job as a mother to protect them.

Deputy: Thank you, I have no further questions.

Judge: Does the defense have any questions?

PD: Not at this time, Your Honor.

Judge: The Witness is excused. The prosecution may call the next witness.

I escorted Summer back to her seat while praising her.

Deputy: The People call the arresting officer.

I went to the stand and took the oath, before sitting.

Clerk: Please state your first and last name.

Me: Y/n L/n.

Reporter: Please spell your last name for the record.

Me (Spell your last name)

DDA: Officer, where do you work?

Me: I work for the Vale Police department as a SWAT operator and patrol officer.

DDA: Were you on duty on the day of Taiyang's arrest.

Kind of a dumb question, I'm the goddamn arresting officer.

Me: Yes. I was a part of a raid that took place at his house that day.

DDA: Is it true that you found the Summer Rose and her daughters in the room with Taiyang?

Before I can answer, Tai's attorney yelled out.

PD: Objection!

Tai looked at me with a smug face before it was wiped away by the judge's next word.

Judge: Overruled.

Me: Yes sir, it's true. My helmet cam footage was uploaded to VPD's database.

DDA: Let's give that a watch.


DDA: Dreadful.

At this point, Tai is fucked, no statement that he can make will make this better for him.


Judge: Has the jury reached a verdict?

JM1: Yes we have, Your Honor. The evidence against the defendant shows that Taiyang Xiao Long was indeed at his house on the day of his arrest, as well as the firearms serial number has been sanded off, the cocaine was indeed in his possession. We have also seen photographic evidence of the body, as well as the bruises and scars on Summer Rose and her daughters. The Jury has reached the verdict of. Guilty.

Judge: Taiyang Xiao Long, for the crimes of Domestic Abuse, child abuse, possession of a stolen firearm, possession of cocaine, and Murder, I hereby sentence you to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The slamming of the Gavel was music to my ears.

Judge: The jury is thanked and dismissed, Court adjourned.

I Promise (Male SWAT Team Reader x Abused Yang, Ruby, and Summer)Where stories live. Discover now