The Beginning of the End

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A/n: Anybody else watching the clock? Happy new year everyone!

As Ozpin hid the girls and went in with them, I checked the camera feed to see if Tai was in the school yet, he was just far enough away that he wouldn't hear the loudspeaker if I announced something. I took control of the loudspeaker and started speaking fast into it.

Me: This is Officer Y/n L/n of the Vale police department. There is a rogue huntsman making his way toward the school, at this time, it is my duty to inform you all that we are being placed under lockdown. Quickly return to your dorms and do not move from them until the lockdown is lifted by either me or professor Ozpin. Again, we are being placed on lockdown, return to your dorms immediately. Thank you.

I checked my ammo again, something that I do when I'm nervous, it's just a precaution, but still.

I took a deep breath and knelt down, resting my gun on the table.

I took another glance at the monitors and saw that he had now entered the building. I watched as he moved throughout the empty building, eventually reaching the elevator and stepping into it and pressing the button to come to the top.

I took another deep breath and glanced at the elevator camera and saw him reach into his back pocket, pulling out what looked like a Glock.

I'm really going to have to kill a man right now. It's either me or him right now.

I heard the elevator ding and took one last breath before starting to yell commands at him.

Ruby's PoV

Ozpin hid us in a place that Tai would never think to look. But it was a place that we couldn't see out of. I was able to hear Y/n breathing and checking his ammo. My breath hitched as I heard the elevator door ding and Y/n start shouting.

Y/n: Put the fucking gun down!

Tai: All I want is my daughters and wife!

Y/n: Put the fucking gun down! I will light your ass up in a heartbeat!

Tai must have aimed his gun toward Y/n because he yelled his next command.

Y/n: You have two seconds to put that gun down before I kill you!

I heard Tai and Y/n's guns go off at the same time, and what sounded like a body hitting the floor followed.

Next, I heard slow footsteps coming toward our hiding place. I cowered up to Mom and Yang as both of them held me close. Ozpin got his cane ready in case he would have to fight.

What I saw though, caused me to be terrified, and happy at the same time.

Y/n pulled the vent open and reached inside to help us out. I saw that he was shot in the stomach, his rifle was on his back and his left hand was clutching his stomach while blood was slowly pouring out of his wound,

Me: Y/n! Are you okay?!

He coughed a bit and groaned in pain.

Y/n: I'll be alright, Ruby. Nothing I haven't experienced before.

As we all got out, he walked over to Ozpin's microphone and turned it on.

Y/n: The lockdown has been lifted, I repeat, the lockdown has been lifted.

He then dropped to his knee as Ozpin called for an ambulance.

Ozpin: Get an ambulance here right now! Officer L/n has been shot!

After about ten minutes, paramedics came in with a stretcher and took him to the hospital.

I ran over to my mom and hugged her.

Me: Is Y/n gonna be okay, Mom?

Mom: He'll be fine, sweetheart.

She didn't sound too sure, but I still appreciated her trying.

Yang ended up following the Paramedics out getting into the ambulance with Y/n.

Yang's PoV

I ran into the ambulance and sat down next to Y/n. It reminded me of when we first met. Except he was in Summer's place.

I took his hand in mine and now felt the tears running down my face, which I wiped away quickly.

The man who was providing first aid while we flew to the hospital saw me.

Paramedic: Is he your boyfriend?

Me: No, but I'm in love with him.

PM: What the hell happened anyway?

I didn't know how to explain it, so I said it like it is.

Me: Um, well, he kind of just shot my abusive Dad.

He looked surprised. But also looked me in the eyes.

PM: Listen, I've met this guy. I know what kind of guy he is. He didn't do it because it was his job to do it. He did it because he wanted to protect you. I think you should shoot your shot, which I guess isn't a good choice of words given the situation.

I let out a small laugh.

Me: Yeah, I think I will. Thank you.

PM: No problem.

He went to the front of the bullhead and joined the driver, while I pondered how to tell Y/n that I love him.

I Promise (Male SWAT Team Reader x Abused Yang, Ruby, and Summer)Where stories live. Discover now