When I opened my eyes, I was met with two brown orbs staring down at me.
"What the hell happened to you? I heard you scream and when I came into the bathroom, you were laying unconscious." Preeta sighed in relief.
"I don't know. I saw something." I whispered.
"What did you see?" Preeta asked. Even though she believed in jinns and demons, she was probably going to think I was joking.
"Writings on the mirror. It said 'welcome to Egypt! And yes, we followed you here'. Whatever it was back home followed me all the way here. I really don't know what to do now. I'm so scared Preeta."
Preeta held me in her arms and rubbed my back. She whispered soothing words in my ear until I was calm.
"Do you think you can attend classes today?" she asked me while I bathed. I had asked her to stay with me in the bathroom because I knew it wouldn't come if she was here.
"I can. I won't let this stop me." Preeta nodded and sat on the toilet bowl.
"I have sham101 today. Introduction to Shamanism." she said with a mouth full of toothpaste. I found it gross but I kept quiet.
"That's great. My first lesson is Hphy101, introduction to human physiology." I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, then walked over to the sink to brush my teeth. While I brushed, Preeta took her bath.
"You don't mind me in here, right?" I asked. She shook her head and smiled.
"It's totally fine."
I waited for her to finish bathing, then we went into the room together. She went to her side of the room while I went to mine. I applied some body lotion before putting on makeup.
My face looked paler than normal. I had faint bags underneath my eyes and my lips looked a little chapped. I applied lipgloss to my lips and a little mascara and eyeliner to make my eyes pop. When I was done making up, I looked better. I wrapped a small hijab around my head after putting on an abaya. I took one last look in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction. I didn't look completely homeless. I sprayed about five different perfumes before picking up my shoulder bag.
"How do I look?" I asked Preeta. She was clad in black pants, a black shirt and black sneakers. Her makeup was dark too. She had black lipstick covering her lips and black eye shadow on her eyes.
"Beautiful. How do I look?" she smiled. I nodded in approval. She locked her fingers in mine and we walked out together, locking the door behind us. We took the elevator down to the cafeteria to have breakfast before heading off to our various faculties. Luckily, her faculty was just after mine so we walked together until we got to mine, then I hugged her and went off inside my faculty.
A bunch of people were hanging around a lecture theatre, waiting for the lecturer to show up. I walked towards them and stood beside a dark skinned girl.
"Hey!" I smiled.
"Hey," she replied with a smile, "fresher?" I nodded. She smiled and stuck out her hand.
"I'm Vanessa Appiah." I took her hand in mine and introduced myself.
"It's nice meeting you. Why don't we find seats before the professor comes in?" she suggested.
"Sure, let's go." We took our seats in front of the class and watched the others pile in. Shortly after, a man with glasses and a bald head walked in.
"Good morning class. I'm Prof. Moustafa Raj and I'm your Hphy101 lecturer." he said. We replied his greetings too and waited for him to start lecturing. I lost concentration at some point and all I could hear was Latin physiologia Greek phusiologia. I pinched myself to help me snap out of my head.
"Physiology deals with how various bodily parts function. We have different organs in our bodies and physiology tells us how these parts function. I'll only teach you the basics since this is an introductory course but in other courses like Hphy103 and co, you'll learn about how these parts really function. Each course covers a specific organ. Hphy105 for example is renal physiology. There, you'll learn everything about the kidney. Subsequently, you'll each be given cadavers to dissect. I'm sure you know what a cadaver is." he said.
"A cadaver, for those of you who do not know, is a corpse. A dead body that has been embalmed and kept in our laboratories for your use." I felt my heart skip a beat. I didn't expect us to actually deal with dead bodies. I thought we'd be shown images on projectors instead.
"As I was saying, Physiology deals with how various body parts..." I blocked out his voice and concentrated on the figure standing by the door.
It had a very long face with no eyes or nose. It's mouth had two fangs hanging from it. It had no hands, but had four legs. Even though it didn't have eyes, I knew it was staring at me. It's mouth stretched into a wide grin and it began to walk towards me. I was two seconds away from pissing my pants. When it got to my front, I became paralyzed. I couldn't speak or move. My eyes were wide open with sweat dripping off of my head. It was like my lungs had lost their use. I couldn't breathe and I had to gasp for breath. It opened it's mouth to reveal a set of sharp teeth. Just when it was going to bite me, a voice snapped me out of my daymare, if that was a word.
"Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost." I took in deep breaths before faking a smile at the lecturer.
"I'm fine." He looked at me weirdly, then went back to what he was teaching. Immediately the class ended, I rushed out. I dialed Preeta's number but it kept going to voicemail. She was probably in a class. I couldn't go back to the hostel alone so I sat down in a garden and waited until she called me.
AASHIQ: A Lustful Demon✔️
Horror© 2020 All Rights Reserved When Aisha Muhammad goes out late at night to empty the waste bin, something accompanies her back home.