Chapter Nineteen

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"Did you say she was raped by a jinn?" he asked. Nabeelah nodded.

"Subhanallah! Aisha, can you tell me how it all started so that I may be able to help you?"

     "Yes. One night I was asked to take out the trash and I went to the estate's dumpster with my hair open. It felt like something was following me. I got home and when I looked in the mirror, my reflection smiled at me. I don't even know if this was how it started because a lot has happened in my life. I kept having very vivid nightmares and sometimes awoke to see scratches and bruises on my body. When I left my hometown, I thought everything would stop but it didn't. It became even worse here in Egypt. I had a roommate, Preeta. All the while I thought I had a friend and roommate but I was living with a jinn. She tortured my life saying how I killed her brother when I threw the trash bag in the dumpster. Then her brother came into the picture. He said he'd make her stop torturing me if I agreed to be his. By that time I was tired of everything so I agreed. I didn't know I was making the biggest mistake of my life. He would pick me up everyday and drop me off. I didn't understand how he could be visible to everyone but I later understood that jinns could take the form of anything. One time he wanted me to wear a gown that barely covered my thighs and I refused. He appeared in my dream saying I had wronged him and would pay for it. Then he forced himself on me. I thought it was a dream but when I saw myself unclad and felt a piercing pain between my legs, I knew it wasn't a dream." By this time, I had tears pouring down my eyes. Razia handed me a handkerchief from her bag and I wiped my eyes and nose with it.

The head of the MSSE, Dr Naseer, sighed. "I understand what you're going through. What have you done since you started seeing these supernatural beings?"

I shook my head. "Nothing."

He sighed again. "We'll have to do a ruqyah treatment on you."

"Anything to make it stop." I replied.

"One minute. I need to call this raqi to see if he's chanced. We shouldn't delay your problems any longer." he said and I nodded.

When he ended the call, he looked at all three of us.

"He's at his home close to the Arabian desert and it'll take at least six hours by car from here. If we go today, we'll sleep over there. Are you ready to go or you want to reschedule?" he asked.

     "I looked at Razia and Nabeelah."

     "We are ready but we'd love to pick up a few things from the hostel."

     "Sure. I'll drop you off at the hostel and wait for you at the parking lot. Do you feel comfortable going with me alone or you'd want Zayn to accompany us?"

     "We're comfortable. Thank you very much for offering to help."


     The drive went smoothly for the first four hours. When we were getting closer to the desert, it was already getting dark out, about 7pm. There were only a few cars on the road. Just as Dr Naseer took a sharp turn, a flock of savanna drongos flew past the front of the car.

"Where did these many birds come from?" I asked calmly, trying not sound scared.

"They're probably migrating. Nothing to be worried about." Dr Naseer said.

"I hope." I mumbled to myself.

"Hey watch out!" Nabeelah screamed and Dr Naseer stepped on the brakes just in time.

In the middle of the road was a huge black pitbull terrier dog with red eyes. It barked harshly at us and started towards the car. We rolled our windows up and looked to Dr Naseer for help.

"Jinn." he stated.

"Oh my God oh my God oh my God!" I started panicking. Razia and Nabeelah looked too chill for my liking.

"Shh." Dr Naseer said, then he started reciting ayat-ul-kursiyy. When he got to 'wasi'a kursiyyuhus samaa waati wal ard' he repeated it seven times then the dog disappeared into a puff of smoke.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Your lover jinn can see that you're on your way to get help and doesn't want you to get there so there'll probably be more obstacles on the way. But fear not for Allah is with us." I nodded. Razia squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

"Everything will be fine in shaa Allah."

     Nothing out of the ordinary happened again until after about twenty minutes. There were seven women walking by the side of the road with hooves for legs.

     "Do you see that?" I whispered to Razia.

     "See what?" she scrunched her face in confusion. A loud tap on her side of the window made her jump.

     Dr Naseer began driving faster while the women ran after the car shouting in a language we didn't understand. They ran as fast as the car and kept on hitting the windows. Razia, Nabeelah and Dr Naseer were reciting some verses I didn't know. After a while, the women stopped running after our car.

     "How far are we from the raqi's home?" I asked. It was getting darker and creepier.

     "About ten minutes. There are so many jinns here since we're surrounded by bushes and are close to a desert. Ignore them as much as you can and recite duas." Dr Naseer said.


     "You can ignore them but you cannot ignore me, habibti." A whisper in my ear made shivers run down my spine.

     "Aashiq! He's in the car." I panicked.

     Dr Naseer looked back for a second and returned his eyes to the road. He drove even faster while Razia and Nabeelah tried reciting some prayers. It was hard as the car became very hot and smelled like smoke. The whisperings in my ears had gotten louder and I thought I was losing my mind. I slapped my hands on my ears severally, trying to block out the whisperings.

     The car came to an abrupt halt in front of a building. We got down quickly and the whisperings stopped. Everything was back to normal.

     I breathed out in relief and Razia pulled me to her. On the top of the building was a sign post with Arabic written on it. 

منزل طرد الأرواح الشريرة
Manzil tard al'arwah alsharira

     "What does it say?" I asked no one in particular.

     "Home of exorcism." Dr Naseer replied.

     "What? Am I going to be exorcised? I thought you said it was ruqyah treatment."

     "This is part of the ruqyah treatment. Your case isn't a mild one. Let's go inside."

     We followed him to the door and he knocked. The door opened to reveal an old man with grey hair and beards.

     "Assalamu alaikum." We greeted.

     "Wa alaikum mu salam. Come in." he answered.

     As we entered the building, I noticed his eyes on me. He looked at me like he knew something.

     "We're here because-" Dr Naseer started but was cut off by the raqi who held up his hand.

     "Who are you that has attached itself to this lady?"

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