Chapter Thirteen

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"I'm not a monster, I'm just a different species from you." he said, frowning a little.

"Really? Then enlighten me about your species. What are you? Homo jinni? Homo ifritus? Homo aladdinus?" I rolled my eyes.

Aashiq sighed and walked into the small diner. I walked in after him and took a seat. "So? What are you?"

"Aisha." he said softly. His ocean eyes stared at me lovingly. I looked into the never ending swirl of blue, getting lost in them. It was like I was in a trance. I snapped out of it immediately and scolded him.

     "Hey hey! Don't look at me like that."

     "You said we needed rules and regulations guiding our relationship." he stated.

     "Yes I did. Firstly," I paused, smiling politely at the waiter at our table. I ordered tea and some samosas. After taking down my order, she took Aashiq's. It was no surprise he ordered exactly the same thing I ordered.

     "Firstly, you cannot just appear in my bedroom whenever you like. Second-" he cut me off, saying something about why he had the right to appear whenever he liked.

     "Do not interrupt me Aashiq, please." he nodded and pouted his lips.

     "Like I said, you cannot appear in my bedroom whenever you like. It's creepy as hell. Secondly, no PDAs. I don't want you touching me in public. Neither do I want you touching me in private." He opened his mouth to speak but I raised a finger to my lips.

     "Thirdly, no scaring the shit out of me. Fourthly, you have no business with whoever I talk to or whoever I'm friends with. Nobody should be aware of this relationship. I want it as private as possible. I'd even appreciate if you act like you don't know me whenever we are out. No kissing, hugging or whatever couples do. If there's any point you aren't clear with or something you don't agree with, speak now or forever remain silent."

     He sipped his coffee gently, then took a bite off of a samosa. After swallowing the first bite, he took another.

     "Aashiq we do not have all day." I hissed.

     "Oh!" he smirked, then began. "I do not agree with basically everything you mentioned. The most important aspect of being in a relationship is the kissing part Aisha. I will kiss you whenever I feel like it and do whatever I want with you because you're mine. You agreed to it, I didn't force you to be mine."

     "I had no choice!"

     "As I was saying before you rudely interrupted, I will do to your body as I please. There will be lots of PDAs and I'll appear whenever I feel like. The only thing I can do for you is not interact with your friends, which are zero by the way." I glared at him. He was right. Preeta was my only friend, if I could call her that.

     "Talking about being private, the whole school will know who Aashiq's girlfriend is. You're one pretty little something and I'd love to show you off. Being my girlfriend, I'll drop you off at class everyday. You don't have to worry about anything. I'll provide for you."

     "That's preposterous! I don't want to look like a lunatic in public because from what I know, humans can't see jinns."

     "You can see me, the waiter can see me, so does everyone else. In my original form, no one can see me." he explained.

     "I don't even want to know what you look like. Probably a disfigured and disheveled looking creature with fangs and claws." I rolled my eyes.

     "You do realize you speak rudely to me, right Aisha? You should really watch your words or you'd get another visit from Preeta and I wouldn't stop her."

     I took in a deep breath. "Adding to the dos and don'ts of this situationship, no third parties are allowed to interfere. What I mean is, whether we're cool or we fight, Preeta isn't allowed to do anything."

     "Did you just call what we have a situationship?"
he asked.

     Using his earlier words against him, I smirked. "Was that all you got from everything I said?"

     "You're a handful, Aisha." He shook his head.

     "Deal or no deal?" I raised a brow.

     "Alright." I smiled at him and took a large gulp of my already cold coffee, then popped a whole samosa in my mouth. It wasn't so big after all.

     "You cannot eat like this in public. You're not just embarrassing yourself but me too."

     "Well fuck you. Rule number seven, you cannot complain about how I eat in public. Thanks." With that, I got up and grabbed my shoulder bag from the table. "I have a class soon, bye."

     Without listening to his reply, I walked out. He walked out after me and grabbed my hand. "Are you forgetting the part where I get to drop you off at your classes?"

     "I never agreed to that. Thanks for the offer."

     Aashiq pressed a button on his keys and the doors unlocked. Without another word, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

     "Hey!" I protested as I threw punches at his back. "You idiot your butt is in my face."

     That only caused him chuckle. He put me in the car and belted me up, then walked over to the driver's side.

     "If you behave yourself, I wouldn't have to force you into my car every time."


     "So, what class do you have?" I ignored him. I was in no mood for chit chats.



     "Can you not call me that pathetic title of a movie?" he frowned.

     "Do you know what's pathetic? You, baby." I mentally cringed at the sound of baby. If I'd insult him, I'd better do it sweetly to avoid his wrath. Even though he looked frightening when angry, something in me knew he wouldn't hurt me. I just knew it.


Picture of Aashiq above or to the side or wherever you find it😹

Thank you for reading and leaving comments even though I'm horrible at writing and updating. I'll try to update more frequently. Please spam me with votes and comments my dear little jinnies❤️

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