New lover...?

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Ella POV

I hear that this person sounds familiar but then she looks at the pictures "babe is that you?" She says in a scared but brave voice "yes babe it is" then a flash of sparkle comes back to her eyes but then quickly it goes away.

Angel POV
I walk into Mr Lee's office and I use my love powers to make him fall for me. He pulls be close and puts his hand up my skirt but then I grab his hand and walk away with a paper that has his handwriting banning Ava from the company.

Abigail POV
I sit there in shock and then Liam comes and picks me up looking at me with sorry eyes. "Sorry she's a crazy ex" he says in a soothing voice but Abigail gets mad "Shes not crazy she has a right to be mad at me since I stole her love...your crazy!" My eyes start to glow and I start making Liam levitate while smiling from the fear in his eyes. I throw him into a tree giggling then my eye goes red and looking at the others with fear filled in there eyes.

 I throw him into a tree giggling then my eye goes red and looking at the others with fear filled in there eyes

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~ I'm sorry for the short chapter it's really late and I'm so tired so byeee love you allll!!!!~

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