Chapter Twenty - Memories Of The Past

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Her high black stilettos clicked as she confidently yet slowly and some how making me feel as if belittled stopping by my bed. For a second, her face showed pity as she stood above me without saying a single word as I stared at her watching her every move. She had to do something, it's not like her to be nice, well, not to me that's sure. If only I knew the reason behind her immense hatred for me.

"Aren't you going to thank me?" she spoke finally braking the awkward intense silence.

"For what?" I answered back confused, raising an eye brow at her statement.

"Oh, I don't know...hmm...," she stopped as she sat on the edge of my bed sending shivers up my spine as I felt her presence so close to me.

"Maybe for saving your life!" Kendall raised her voice in a 'duh' tone as she twisted her head to the right slightly.

"Wait...what?!" I exclaimed even more confused. Why would she, Kendall, save me? And how? Why? She hates me. She noticed my gob smacked facial expression as she lightly laughed but under no circumstances was it in a nice friendly way you'd expect it to be but a much more of a sarcastic one.

"It really hurts me a lot that you think so low of me," Kendall said putting an emphasis on the word 'so' as she faked a small kind smile.

"But...but I thought you hated me?" I questioned her sitting up from my hospital bed no longer able to control my curiosity.

"That hasn't changed. I may hate you but I don't want you dead..." Kendall rose from my bed before turning again to face me.

"Not so fast," she added with a smirk playing on her lips as she left the room.

I was allowed to leave the hospital the following morning. Ever since I've woken up from the moment after the accident in which Kendall saved me...I can't even believe that's the truth, I've been having visions. Visions as if back flashes from the past. There were so many of them

that I had trouble realizing which was the reality and which wasn't.

After, a doctor came to checkup on me, I was given some pain relievers for my broken leg and was told to take it easy, rest a lot that Liam came through the door just as I managed with a help of a nurse to get dressed.

"Hey Alice!" he greeted me warmly in a joking manner though I didn't quite get the joke as he opened the door for me.

"Hi...umm...Liam, what's with Alice?" I asked as we left the hospital room. I tried hard to manage walking by using crutches but I've never before broke a leg or any bone in my body in fact.

"You know, lost in wonder land, you always get lost! I actually considered to put a chip on you so you won't get lost!" I couldn't help but to chuckle at his comment but what made me wonder why it was only Liam who came for me. Not Niall, not Louis, not Zayn and not even Harry. Although, Liam is a hundred times better if not at least ten.

I could see right though Liam, his lips were smiling but his eyes showed pity. I don't need any pity.


We were now in my car on the way back to the hotel. Serena kept gazing out of the window with out a word, silence filling the atmosphere. The only sound was the sound of rain hitting the windshield of the car.

"Where are the others?" Serena broke the silence out of the blue, still not looking at me.

", Louie, Zayn are at the hotel rehearsing." I answered.

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