Chapter Thirty-One - Task One

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It was the morning after, I had no clue how but I managed to sneak back into the house unseen by anyone else. Funny. Now that I said that, I wish that there was someone awaiting my arrival yet, the house appeared to be empty as I roamed around the comfort of the cozy family house.

Strangely enough, that night, was one of the most peaceful nights I've ever had. Was it the cold scenery which made my body ache from the sudden drop of temperature, the exhausting flight or the fact that my Father was no longer with me, made me instantly sink into the serenity of the snug large bed. But when I awoke, an empty place displayed before me. I didn't know if I should have been thankful for not having to have to answer all the traumatizing questions, suspicions and confessions or if I should have been disappointed to not have anybody to comfort in. I shrugged the thoughts off, hearing my phone vibrating followed by a delicate knock on the door of the house.

Unknown Number

Day One. Task One begins.

You are to open the door, invite the person inside and start an argument resulting in a fight.  If you fail to do this, there will be consequences you wish to not  know of.

P.s.- There's a lot you don't know about. Why won't you ask them the reason why you nearly died? That is, if they tell you the truth of course. Or are you too weak, too sweet and innocent?

Once I had read the message, another two knocks emerged from behind the door. I had to do this. It's clear as crystal that there is something which everyone is keeping hidden from me that nobody tells me of; the 'accident'. I am not entirely sure if it was one though as now, more than ever I had began to wonder if it was in fact an accident or if it was done on purpose.

As I opened the door, I was greeted with a radiant smile coming from Niall. With him? I have to start an argument with him? That was merely impossible. Every time I had done so, I couldn't be cross with him for more than a day. "Where were you last night? We looked everywhere for you. Is everything alright?" he asked me as he stepped inside. "I don't know you tell me," I snickered, crossing my hands below my chest after closing the door. A muddled expression appeared on his face yet he remained silent.

"Why is it that you keep delaying the truth from me, every time?" I question him. "What truth? I always tell you the truth." Niall argued. "Oh, save it. You know exactly what I am talking about!" I raised my voice, snapping surprising even me at the amount of wrath I actually held in to only myself.

"Why all of the sudden? Did Harry tell you more lies again-?"

"Don't ignore my question and don't bring Harry into this! He has nothing to do with this!" I int erupted him, shouting madly as I came to the conclusion that I had enough of all the secrets. "Listen, calm down!"  Niall attempted to tame me but now, more and more by every second, my point was proven right. "Oh, so you are hiding the truth from me!" she investigated. "What are you talking about?! What truth? For Christ's sake!" his furious Irish voice interrogated. Every word that came out of his mouth was now strengthened by his stronger accent, each consonant pronounced clearer.

"The. 'Accident'." I told him gritting my teeth as my lips formed a straight line. He came closer. One step, two steps, one step. "Do you really want to know why?" he whispered harshly yet his eyes were filled with so much compassion and doubt. "Just tell me." I answered. "I did that because I couldn't handle to tell you the truth. Because, I knew that you wouldn't take it well. Because, even though, everyday that I spent with you the truth haunted my mind, I knew that it wasn't for me to say. Because, I cared too much to see you in such despair, to see you bawling your eye out. Because, every time, that I looked back on your beautiful smile, I knew that deep inside it wold turn into a frown and you would hate me. That's why!" Niall exhaled air before turning back to me.

All of this. All of what he said, played on repeat in my mind before I was snapped back into reality. He may have wished for the best but sometimes even the worst truth is better than the best lies.

"Why can't you just tell me it now. Tell me. I need to know!" I replied.


"I need to know!" she told me, her hands wrapped around her petite waist, a stern glare on her pale face. It was so unlike her to behave this way.

It was ever since yesterday, when she had disappeared out of my sight after she had stormed off for a 'walk' which turned to last a whole night. Now, out of nowhere, she's suddenly interested in the accident. Every time that I say this word, my lips begin to flicker just at the thought of what happened. I knew then, I knew before and I know now that there was no point in hiding the truth. But the truth is that, yes, I hid the truth but if it wasn't for the fact that I just simply knew that once I would tell her, everything would become different.

Her bright smile; which could brighten any dull room and turn everybody's frown upside down would become a look of disappointment and disapproval. Her gentle warm soft brown eyes harden and turn a cold dark brown almost black colour; never to look at me twice the same way ever again.

I took a deep sigh before the following words fell out of my lips; instant regret on my mind as soon as I did so. "You hit your head...when somebody pushed you...downstairs." I simply couldn't tell her the truth and she knew it to. It was all a lie.

"Is that it?! So all this time...all these secrets, conspiracy...all because I fell downstairs?! No! Wait, someone pushed me downstairs! Do you really expect me to believe this lie?!" Serena burst, shouting at the top of her voice and unfortunately, she had a reason. "Well, no but-." I attempted to explain however, nothing just seemed to form from my mouth. All these words, all these things that I do, and I want to tell Serena, I can't. "But you won't tell me." she stated and all I could do was to slowly nod. "I can't believe this..." she muttered to herself as she left the hallway.


Unknown Number:

Well done. Maybe I was wrong about you. Next task will begin at the sound of  the door closing.

Truth: You didn't hit your head, you were involved in a car crash on Wednesday night at 00:34 AM.

It was them again, the unknown number, the only person who I could consider a 'friend'. Sure, I had Liam, Louie, Zayn and dared I say it, somehow Harry...but where were they then?

Unknown Number:

Task Two. It's time to make decisions.

I read the message over again, what door? And that was when I heard it. A door closing unexpectedly followed by a piercing female scream.


(A/N:) Heyy guys ! What do you think of this chapter ?

Every time that I write a new chapter I always feel the need to say sorry and so, sorry. I know that it's usually a week (or sometimes even more) when I write a new chapter but I want you to know that it's usually within a good reason. And that is that I'm a perfectionist, that, or I'm busy with school work.

Any suggestions are welcome !

Comment, vote, fan & enjoy,


PrettyMuchMe_ xx 'u' <3

Afire Love - Niall Horan Vs. Harry Styles CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now