Chapter 4 Secret's out

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I woke up in a strange room thatd I've never seen before.

I tried to get up but my head felt like it was spinning and it hurt.

"Mmmm," was all I could muffle out.

*Stomp stomp*

I could hear someone runnin in the hallway.

"Y/N ARE YOU AWAKE?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" a worried Jinki with glasses ran into the room.

He was wearing khaki skinny jeans with a white v neck and burgundy overalls.

I nodded my head to both questions.

"Do you know what happened?"

I shook my head. I couldn't speak well so I just moved my head to answer.

"Oh well when we were on our way to the date you fainted. I freaked out at first and was a little embarrassed to carry you in my arms, but I ended up bringing you here to my home instead of the hospital. I think you were just dehydrated and now you have a fever. Are you feel fine? Are yoy thirsty? Hungry?" He walked over and put his hand on my forehead.

Blushing like crazy I nodded without hesitation.

"I made some chicken soup and some water and vitamins!"

Quickly he jumped up and left the room before I had time to answer.

He soon returned to the room with a bowl and a table for the bed.

He helped he sit up on the bed so I could eat properly.

I was finally able to speak after eating a little of the soup Jinki prepared for me.

He kept feeding it to me and I felt a little embarrassed.

"Uhm Jinki I feel better I can feed myself now." I blushed when he turned to me.

"That's okay I like doing these types of things!" He gave me his signature small eyed smile again.

I could feel my heart wanting to jump out of my chest.

Ahh jeeze why is my heart beating so fast?

I swallowed hard and let him continue to feed me until I finished my meal.

"There all finished!" Smiling he got the dishes and sat back down next to me and placed his hand on my cheek.

"I'm sorry again for what happened today. I shouldn't have asked you to come out if you were sick,"

"No no it's okay I'm fine now thanks to you!"

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"So how about we finish the date?" I asked starting to get up from the bed.

Jinki immediately made me sit back down.

"Whoa not so fast! You're still in recovery! You need rest. No date today or for atleast a week! Only resting!" He scolded me.

A little embarrassed I looked up at him.

"Jinki I do need to go home..."

He blushed and looked away puttig an arm up to his face to cover the blush.

"You can stay here gor today since it's already late. I'll sleep in the living room."

Butterflies again!

"O-oh okay..." I blushed also.

He nodded still looking away from me.

"A-and I also said you could call me Onew.." he mumbled loud enough for me to hear.


"Yes?" He turned quickly.

"Oh nothing I just wanted to say it once..." I blushed again.

Jeeze Jinki youbmake me blush a lot.

Jinki looked at me intently and his face gradually came closer to mine until our lips were just 3cm away from eachother when suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Ah I'll be back!" Red Jinki ran to go answer the door leaving me and my beating heart in the room alone.

I could hear men downstairs getting curious I decided to go check and see.

Walking down the laughs and conversations got louder.

"Ahahahaha and then-ah who is that?" A blonde puppy like male asked who was holding hands with a taller man with black hair and cat like features.

Next to them was a small cute looking person who was being held by a very good looking tall and lean man.

"Oh guys this is y/n. The girl I've been telling you about."

Jinki walked over to me and motioned at each man.

"The dino looking blonde is Kim Jonghyun, the Umma over there is Kim Kibum, the little cutie is Lee Taemin, and the tall giant is Choi Minho." Each man bowed and greeted me.

Oh so that girly looking one is actually a guy?!

"Hello I'm y/n. Nice to meet you all."

"These are the guys I work with at the company- ah uhm..."

Jinki looked down.

"Company? What company?" I asked.

"SM!" Smiled Taemin.

"SM? Are you like a talent agent?" I asked curiously.

"Ah no we're all in a k-" Jonghyun was about to say but Jinki covered his mouth.

"Ow!" Yelped Onew.

"Wae! Shouted Jonghyun.

"Why'd you cover my mouth?" He continued.

"Jinki what's going on?" I asked.

The other members looked at him confused

"Eheh well you see I didn't want to tell you because I was worried you wouldn't like me for me if you knew who I really was.." Jinki swallowed hard and fixed his glasses.

"Jinki just tell her. I feel like you can trust her. You can tell she already likes you so much!" Minho spoke while squeezing Taemin's hand.

Jinki nodded and began to explain.

"I'm working with SM but not as a talent agent or anything. We're all part of a kpop group named SHINee. You probably didn't notice me because when I'm performing I hide my identity by wearing a wig and makeup.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's okay. I just don't see why you'd think I'd only like you because you're famous." I was a bit sad that he'd thought that low of me..

"Yes I see that now. I'm sorry I ever thought so low of you. Please forgive me!" Jinki bowed deeply.

I walked over to him. The other members just watched while holding eachother.

I placed my hand on his head.

Quickly he looked up at me.

"It's okay." I smiled at him. "I forgive you."

Jinki stood up straight and hugged me tightly.

Blushing I tried to hide my face with his shoulder.

After breaking the hug Jinki looked at me still smiling. He began to lean in close to me and I as well.

We kissed and I could hear the other members laughing and aweing in the back ground.

We broke the kiss to laugh along with them.

"Y/n, will you please be ny girlfriend..?" Jinki asked shly with a cute smile.

I nodded to him also smiling.

We kissed again.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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