Chapter 3 Turning point

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****Saturday morning****

Waking up Saturday morning at 7am I decided that I should do some furnature moving today. My house looks like a mess!

I walked over to the kitchen so prepare some breakfast, aka cerial. As I went to sit at the coffee table I noticed I had left the tea cups from lastnight.

So it wasn't a dream. I smiled.

I cannot believe I have a date with the cutest most clumsy teacher ever.

Finishing up my small bowl of cerial I began to move furnature and dust off some old ones that were too heavy to move at the moment.

Agggh! All I can think about is Jinki.

I sat down after moving everything. Exhausted I took a break.

I looked over at my wall clock and saw that it was already 11pm! It took me 4 hours to move everything?!


Well maybe I should start preparing lunch about now.

*ring ring*

Hm? My phone rang.

I walked over to the house phone and looked at the caller I.D.

Who's Chicken?

What the heck what kind of phone company let's people have their caller I.D. be Chicken?

I answred the phone.


"U-uhm Hello, y/n. Good morning-ah well I guess good afternoon now huh. Heh. Uhm I was wondering if it was okay to change our date time to be at 3? Ah I mean our meeting time- well unless you want it to be called date. We can meet up at the café across the school? U-u-uhm Looks like I have some work to do at 7pm with the company." A nervous Jinki spoke.

"Ah- hahaha. Jinki? Yes good afternoon. Yes that's fine we can change the time to 3. I'll meet you there. What company do you work for on the side?" I asked curiously.

"Ah- I said company? Well actually my teacher job is the side job. I'm actually in a uhm- Ah well anyways 3 is okay?" He dodged the question quite carefully, but still clumsy.

"Ah okay okay yes I look forward to our date today." I spoke with a smile.

I could almost see Jinki blushing over the phone. So cute.

"A-a-a-ah o-okay. S-see you at 3 for o-our d-date!" He hung up quickly.

Hm. I wonder why he didn't tell me what his actual job is?

*********2:30 pm*********

Finially finishing getting ready I headed out the door. I decided to wear a light pink sundress with my favorite white heels and a sun hat.

It was still 30 more minutes until the date so I decided to walk. It took me 30 minutes to get there walking so it was perfect.

Agh I'm nervous. The walk isn't that pleasent either. It's pretty hot today also. Maybe I should have eaten lunch or at least had a drink of water.

Finally reaching our date location I saw Jinki standing there.

His beautiful skin glistening as the sunrays touched him. Blonde hair perfectly shining in the sun. It was neatly combed and styled up. He wore a white v neck and some blue skinny jeans with a pair of converse. He also wore sunglssses that hid his eyes from the sun.

He looks like an... angel...

So beautiful.

I walked over to a patiently waiting Jinki.

"H-hello Jinki." I stuttered and bit my lip for doing so.

"A-ah y/n!" He took off his sunglasses quickly and they fell out of hist sweaty hands.

Ah so clumsy.

He took a good look at me.

Raising both eyebrows the angel spoke again.

"You look so beautiful... I'm speechless." He reached to me to touch the ends of my hair.

He gave me his famous small eyed smile.

I swear there are legit butterflies in my stomach. I swallowed hard before speaking again.

"Well shall we head on to our date?"

"Mmm," Jinki smiled wider and took me by my hand.

We began to walk.

Everything went black.

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