Chapter 2

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I wake up the next day with pains on my inner thigh and my butt. I look over at my dresser to see a note that read,' Get up and come to my room your sleeping in there this week.' That usually meant he was gonna treat me really good and horribly bad. Under the note was some clothes. A blue hoodie with 'Alpha Daddy' on it in gold, some black biker shorts, a pair of black boxers, and a golden shock collar that had my initials engraved in it.

I took a shower and put on my clothes. I grabbed my razor, that still had dried up blood from the last time off the counter. I shook off the horrible idea creating inside my head. I just put the razor in my pocket and grabbed my phone. I opened the cell door and walked out the cell basement. As I was walking up the final steps, I could smell my brother. So I covered my thighs with my biker shorts to hide my bruises. As soon as he saw me he put his hand out. I took off my shock collar and placed it in his hand.

"Why do you have this on," Elijah said in an annoyed tone.

"Oli wanted me to wear it. It matches my outfit." I half lied. I can't tell him it's a punishment, it would drive him crazy.

"Ok whatever..there's no reason to lie." He leans in forward. "But if he lays a finger on you in the wrong way tell me." He says as he walks over to the trashcan and breaks the collar. I nod my head and look down as I start to walk up the stairs.

I walk up about 3 flights of stairs to reach Oliver's room. I stopped at his office first to see if he was in there. I heard him yelling and I listened through the door instead. I heard an annoying high pitched voice and Oliver's voice but in an angry tone. I was leaning way too hard on the door which caused it to open and me to fall in. I happen to fall right on the razor in my pocket.

As i'm standing up I see Mia (the pack slut) sitting on Olivers lap. That's not a good idea I say in my head. Not surprisingly Oliver looks mad but got angrier as I stood up. Did I walk in on something. Was I supposed to go straight to his room. I couldn't figure out why til I realized that Elijah took my shock collar. Oh No. I run out the room as fast as I could. I make it to the steps when I felt a snatch at my shirt. Of course it was Oliver. He carried me by waist to his room as Mia was following him.

Oliver POV----------------------

I swear to moon goddess if this boy doesn't stop playing with me I wont be able to control myself. Why doesn't he have on the shock collar and why won't this hoe leave me alone? I can already smell half the pack on her and I'd like to keep that scent off of me.

I got tired of Mia following me so I growled in Alpha tone and she ran away. I get in my room set my baby in his special closet and lock my door. I know sometimes when he's in my room he likes to sleep alone so my guards and I built him his own. Too small to be a room but big enough to be livable.

He starts to cry. "Stop fucking crying i'm not gonna hit," I yell. He replies with a sorry daddy. He only says that when he knows I'm mad at him. It gets me almost everytime. "Get your ass over here," I say angrily. He runs over. I pick him up bridal style and put him on my bed.

I take off his biker shorts and his hoodie. I put him in one of my shirts and lay him on the bed. I take off all my clothes and put on some grey joggers. I'm too tired to punish him so we just turned on a movie and took a nap. I needed to breath in his scent to calm down.


I wake up an hour later with my happiness still in my arms sound asleep. I got up and put on some Jeans and a Simpsons shirt. I then went over to my baby's special closet and grabbed a chrome shock collar with a chain attached to it. I attached it my mate while he was sleep. I put him in biker shorts and a long shirt that almost looked like a dress to him. Man is he a deep sleeper. I then sat in my chair and waited for him to wake up. After a while of waiting I decided to make lunch for him.

I came back into my room after with his lunch. I opened the door to this intoxicating scent. I couldn't find him in the bed. It was like his heat but way stronger. Why is he coming on so early. I found him in his special closet surrounded by my dirty clothes. He was moaning and tearing up. I cover my nose with my shirt. I pick him up and put him on my bed. "Oli help me please my insides burn," he moans. I couldn't mate with him yet I have to wait.

I take off his shirt and throw it in the bin. Buckets. Ok im getting side tracked. I then take off my shirt and put it on him. My mate starts to rub my bulge through my joggers. Oh god that feels good. I lay him on his back and start kissing him up and down his body. I snap out of my trans and take his chain and hook it to the bed.

I sat down in the chair next to him. He was crying and moaning. I couldn't help him and I couldn't leave him to do this on his own. "OLI HELP ME! MAKE ME FEEL BETTER PLEASE..DADDY". He starts to scream. The intoxicating smell made me start to feel dazed and I passed out.

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