chapter 5

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"You asshole, you sexy ass tease, you fucking horny ass bitch." I yell while sitting on top of oliver punching him with all my might on every emphasis in the sentence. "You knew I was your mate. Why didn't you tell me." I scream. I take my last blow but this time oliver catches it and flips me over so now im bent over with my hand behind my back and oliver's bulge directly on my ass. I'm not mad at him only, I am mad at everyone he just happened to be my first victim.

He leans closer and whispers in my ear," if you were anybody else i would beat your ass right now. I didn't tell you dumbass because i loved you so much i wanted you to find out on your own. You should be.." Before he could finish i head butted him with the back of my head and ran away to my room. Where else was I supposed to go.

I book it to my cell in the basement and lock my self inside. "Im gonna beat your ass, you wont be able to walk for a week." I hear him say as he runs down the steps. He starts to bang on the cell. "Open the damn door matter of fact be like that." I start to hear keys rattling and a click. He locked me in. "I'll let you out when I feel like it." Oh well I don't care. I say to myself as i hug my legs and start to cry.

Time skip 3 week-----------
Oliver POV

I stare at the stack of unfilled out papers on my desk. This shit is boring. I look at my watch to see what time it was. It read 2:33. Well time to feed the little demon spawn. I make my way down to the basement.

I grab 2 ham sandwiches, leftover spaghetti, and 3 sugar cookies from the pack cafeteria on my way to the basement. I walked down the hallway to the cell that holds my mate. I grab my keys to open the cell door but I decided on stopping instead and listening through the door to see if I can hear anything. Nothing but music and the sound of paper.

Using the keys I open the door seeing my adorable mate drawing away. I knock on the door to get his attention. Before knocking again he jumps up and give me a big bear hug. After giving him one back i pick him up and take him to our little dining table.

"Hi husband. Did you miss me?" He say with a big smile.

"I seen you like 4 hours ago baby." saying with a smirk. I give rose his two sandwiches and start to eat my spaghetti. "Eat all your food today  and i'll give you a treat." I say before eating a meatball. I would give him some spaghetti to but he can't be trusted with utensils. Not even a spoon.

"Oli." Rose says as i look up so he knows that he has my attention. "Can I sleep in your room with you please." He say with a little hope in his eyes.

"No." I respond a little bit salty. I hate when he asks me that. He knows why he can't. "Everytime i take you up stairs about 3 or 4 pack members dies because you cant control yourself. Plus its such a hassel to calm you back down." I look up to see a sad expression plastered across my little mates face. "Cheer up though Daddy has a treat for you." I saw with a fake smile.

"Can I trade my treats to sleep upstairs with you?" He responds with his head down and his face frowned as if he already knows the answer.

"No, but I could sleep down here with you. We could watch a movie or some shit. Maybe have sex I don't whatever you want." I say stirring my noodles knowing that they weren't going to get eaten in the first place.

"Oli I don't wanna have sex. I don't wanna watch a fucking movie. I don't wanna stay down here." I noticed how his beautiful light blue eyes that showed the ocean when it reflected the sun in the day started to be over taken by the breath taking ocean in the nighttime reflecting the moon. But I knew all to well that that was a trap because the darker and prettier his eyes got the more angrier he got.

"Baby no. I know you want to go up stares but I am an alpha. I have to take my packs safety into account."

"But I am your goddamn husband. Your probably up there cheating on me or something. I wanna see what's going on." Noticing how dark his eyes are getting I set down my fork and give him my full attention.

"Baby, I am not cheating on you. Why the hell would I cheat on you? With whom would I cheat on you with? When i'm upstairs I am doing Alpha work and when i'm not doing that I am down here with you being the best husband I can be. I don't have time for that shit Rosy." I tell him in the most calm voice I have. I would never cheat on Rose. He knows that, he's just trying to push my buttons so he can get what he wants.

"I just wanna go upstairs!" He screams and lunges across the table towards me. I grab his neck as a reflex but its already to late. The pain of the fork stabbed in my shoulder was tempting me to show the alpha in me but I didn't let. Trying to calm my enraged husband I release my pheromones. So many pheromones that my scent glands actually started to hurt. I'd rather him be horny then angry.

"Daddy stop it. I'm dizzy and it burns down there.." He says making such a lewd face I could feel my pants tighten. He pulls himself closer to my chest and starts to rub his ass against my bulge rocking back and forth.

"We are not having sex." I say sternly which isn't much being as though my dick was talking for me.

"Why not?" He pouts. Realising his own pheromones to tease me. He takes my hands and puts them on his nipples. Taking my fingers and moving them in a motion that sends him wild. "Please daddy just put your dick inside me. Make me yours."

I pick him up by his butt and take him to our bed biting and licking his ear and trailing it down his neck to his marking spot. I make my way to his mouth and use my tongue to explore what's mine. Using my now free hand I rub the entrance of his hole causing him to moan my name. I look down to see his hard on.

"Your mine got that. Your body. Your face. Your mind. Your ass. Your ass. Got that" I whisper in his ear making sure he understands. He responds with nodding moans and yes daddys. I lift up from him and walk to the door grabbing the plate on the way. "This is your punishment for stabbing you. I blue balled you." Slamming the door and using the keys to lock it. I slide down the cell door and finally realize the sharp throbbing in my shoulder. Looking over to the place where the obnoxious throbbing is coming from I yank the fork out of my shoulder.

"I'm going to die by this rate."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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