Chapter 4

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I woke up in a room with four walls and nothing else. Not even a door. I tried to scream but I couldn't speak. After about two hours of struggling I got tired and went back to sleep.

I woke up again, this time I was chained up in a chair. It was golden with roses all over it. I was in a room that looked just like the other one but this one had a door. It was white with silver sparkles on it.

I started to try and escape but three figures came through the door. One was a woman. She looked like royalty with wings. She had on a rose gold floor dress with iridescent wings. Just by looking at her I can tell she was a fairy. Next to her was a man. He was really tall, even taller then Oliver's. He had this vibe that screamed power. It frightened me a little. Also similar to the Oli's. He's an alpha wolf no doubt about it. The third figure was not even a person. It was a flower. Like a walking flower. Sunflower to be exact. It was glowing yellow so bright it was hard to look at.

"Hello my son." said the alpha with a goofy grin. I looked at him in disbelief. I looked around to figure out who he was talking about. Is he blind because ain't nobody there. Wait.... was he talking to me.

"Oh how i've missed you my beautiful Tobias." My name is rose. I started to open my mouth to correct her. "Shhh, you'll understand everything after this." She swirled her hand and touched my forehead. My eyes we're closing slowing.

In complete darkness. Complete silence. Just sitting there. Becoming more and more impatient. Finally having enough I screamed to the top of my lungs. I was shot by some pain in my brain. What the hell was that. The pain started to grow more and more.

It started to show pictures of me. It was like watching a movie of my life. So that alpha was my dad and that fairy was my mom. My godfather was a demon.  I was stolen and sent to earth by the vampire clan. Elijah was my god brother a present sent to me from my godfather. I was rushing through more memories when my vision started to fade back to grey then to black. I open my eyes to see the fairy with her hand on my shoulder.

"So I'm not dead?," I say as she moves her head side to side. "So a coma?," She nods. I open my mouth to say something but was shhhed by the wolf I never realized was standing behind me.

"I should probably tell you...You shouldn't have been able to control your power till you was supposed to be when you were 18 but your something happened that awoken your powers too soon. Your mate Oliver is waiting for you." He said nervously. WAIT MY MATE. Before I could say a word I was waking up on the hospital bed holding two people's hand.

~~Oliver's POV~~~~~~~
6 months..... 6 FUCKING MONTHS and rose hasn't woken up. I was starting to eat my food when Elijah came in and motioned for me to follow him. We ended up in my office. When we walked in there was this huge sunflower creature. Before we could say anything the sunflower put his hands... Paws... Petals. He put them green things on our foreheads.

We were about to protest when we were both shot my pain. Suddenly I was seeing movies of Toby's life. He's a fairy? That explains the act of near suicide. And his godfather is a demon. How does that work? Never mind that's not important. Wait......... He's an alpha's son? But I thought he was an omega.. I mean it's possible but really rare.

I start to feel myself finally come back to my senses. I noticed Elijah was still in the trans like state so I waited a little. When he was finally done he looked at me terrified.

"Oh shit." Elijah says while looking at his hands in pure disgust. "I'm a fucking demon." He announced in disbelief.

"I know Elijah, but right now we need to get back to Rosy." I reassure him as we both start running back to Rosy's room. We sat there waiting for about an hour for him. Both of us had a hand in our palm. Oh love your getting so small, you can eat all you want when you wake up.

We waited another 30 minutes just sitting there. Till I felt his hands moving I look at Elijah and he looked back at me. That told me we felt the same things. I looked back down at my Rosy to see him opening his eyes.

"Rosy say something, so I know it's not a dream." Elijah says while starting to tear up.

"Can you turn the light off please." He says with his eyes closed. I look over to the nurse to turn the lights down. Rosy blinks his eyes open. He looks over to his brother and then to me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"How long until he can come out this room?" I ask the doctor hopefully.

"We'll do a week of check ups then you can have him back." She responds while chewing on her pen. "But if you want we could move him to a room with a bigger bed so you can stay in the room with him."

"Yes thank you." I say with a bit of an attitude. "I'll be right back im going to take a shower." I stand up to leave the room. As im walking out the door i turn back to see my mate with those dark blue eyes again. Before i could see it happen there was a punch to my face and a kick to my dick.

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