Chapter 2: Friendly date

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I am at a hidden part of our school. This place looks like a garden. 

I am sitting on the lost green grass around it are different flowers. 

This is where Mark and I usually hangout since our friendship started. 

It's been 7 months since I first met him, we've gone through a lot of things together. He's been a part of my life. We helped each other in doing school task, homework's, projects and reports. We spend our recess and lunch time together. 

This had become a daily routine and I have developed my feelings for him. I don't know if he feels the same way. He's always here by my side and I do the same for him. I don't want to confess to him because I'm afraid it might ruin our friendship, I'll keep it deep in my heart. 

"Hey!" Mark said and I am not surprised that he is here, I gently looked at him.

"You've been deep in your thought for a month now" he added.

"Do you have a problem?" He eyed me thoroughly.

"Want to tell me about it? "He's worried sick of my state.

"Nothing, I am just reminiscing the moments we've shared laughed. He's still not convinced but he didn't mind it and gave me my favorite. My eyes twinkled. 

"Sandwich with egg and lettuce for you, master" He bowed his head.

"Bahahaha Thank you dear" I flirty replied.

"Welcome my dear!" he sweetly said. 

"Yikes, you're so gross" We both laughed at our silliness.

"What's your plan for tomorrow?" he asked out of nowhere. I became silent for a moment. I want to date you. I want to tell him but I need to act cool. 

"Hmm I don't know, it's just an ordinary day for me. As usual, spend it with my family, friends and..."I paused for a moment. "you HAHAHAHA"

 "Don't you have plans on having a boyfriend?" my forehead creased and I stared at him. I'm curious. What is he up to?

"No, I don't have. Why? Are you tired looking at my face every day?" I asked.

"No, Of course not." he quickly answered. 

"and of course, I don't want to have boyfriend at this moment, especially if I don't like the person" I added. 

"then who is the one you like?" I'm pissed of the topic, he may be noticed it for he become silent.

 He invited me to go to the plaza and I gladly accepted it. We rode a tricycle. I am really used of his presence. I enjoyed his company so much. He made me experienced what it feels to be in an amusement park and plaza. He made me taste how good and bad life is, he even taught me how to commute. He got out first in the tricycle and I followed. We quickly went to our usual spot here in the plaza.

"Ate five isaw and ten kwek-kwek" I dipped it on a spicy sauce and ate it. 

"Ouch" I said feeling the pain. "Why?" He asked panicking while checking my tongue. 

"You're overreacting, it's just hot" he sighs. He took the food from my hand, blew it before leveling it in my mouth and I ate it.

"Wow ice cream" I excitedly said. 

" you want it?" he amusingly looked at me.

"Darn yes" I excitedly answered. He caught my right hand and we went there.

"Manong ice cream for two, vanilla and chocolate flavor" Mark said to the vendor. 

"Oh hijo^_^" He get it and gave me the chocolate ice cream and I gladly accepted it. I savored the tasty ice cream when I suddenly felt his touch the rim of my lips.

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