Ch.6// Feelings: Returned

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I was outside on the sidewalk, pacing back and forth. I couldn't believe it! I spent months studying my words, the whole freaking English language! And I got out on a word SO EASY?!
It was 'Vug' for Pete's-sake!!

I heard the doors clatter open, and Leaf stepped out in front of me.
"What?" I asked, my voice full of attitude.
Leaf frowned and shrugged.
"I got out." He mumbled.

"Mmm, that's unfortunate." Is all I could muster.
He didn't even want to do this from the beginning, and now he got me out? Got why did he have to be so cute and distracting?
"Well, you did good." He said.
He reached to put a hand on my shoulder but I stepped away.

"Are you okay?" He asked, strangling his cape.
"No Leaf, I'm not okay. Because of you I got out. You and how distracting and cute and funny and-"
I was standing so close to his face, heat radiating off of mine in anger. I didn't want to leave him, he'd freak out, but I needed him to know how mad I was.

So I sat and stared at him with my meanest expression. And he...
Leaned in and kissed me. On the lips.
I froze sat in shock, staring at him, but then pushed him away.
"What are you doing-"
"I don't know."
"Why'd you kiss me-"
"I don't know."
I pulled him towards me and connected out lips again, holding him close in a hug.
I could feel him smile and hug me back.
I pulled back and stared at him.
He was smiling so brightly, and his cheeks matched his hair.

"Oh! I almost forgot..." he reached into his cape pocket and pulled out a juice box.
"Apple-juice, your favorite." He smiled.
I laughed and grabbed it, stabbing the straw in.
"So... do you like me too?" He mumbled, driving his foot into the ground.

I grabbed his chin and made him face me.
"Of course I like you Leaf Coneybear."
He kissed me again, but mostly while laughing this time. He really was special.
At least to me he was.

time skip

It was the next day, and Leaf suggested I sit with his friend at lunch.
We got there and I plopped down next to him. There were three kids here, all I recognized from the Bee.
"Chip, what are they doing here?" Leaf raised and eyebrow.
The kid with the Boy Scout outfit shrugged.
"I decided to let Barf and Olive sit with us, among others. Leaf who's this?"
He nodded towards me.

I don't think Lead heard him though because he stuck his hand out to the tall boy and girl with pink overalls.
"Hi I'm Leaf Coneybear, I like cats and don't know how to spell." He shook the tall glasses kid's hand vigorously, as well as the pink overalls girl.

"Leaf we know, we met you at the Bee. We're William and Olive." The girl said.
Leaf thought for a second before gasping.
"Oh yah! Sorry."
All the kids turned to me.

"Hi, I'm Chip Tolentino, and anything you might've heard about me at the Bee, not true."
He smirked sneakily and stuck his hand out.
I shook it and he winked at me.
Leaf frowned.
"He had an erection for my sister." He smiled.

Chip went red and ducked his head.
"We do not talk about my unfortunate erection." He mumbled.
I giggled.
"I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet you."

As lunch went on a couple more kids sat down, ones that were familiar from the Bee, Logainne and Marcy, and before I knew it the bell rang.
"Ugh, I have to get to English. Bye guys."

Leaf's POV
I waved bye to Y/N as she left, but before walking away she pecked me in the lips.
I went red and she left.
The entire table went silent and stared at me.

"Are you two going out?!" Logainne yelled.
I shrugged.
"I don't really know."
Chip sighed.
"You don't know anything." He grumbled.
Yah I really don't. I thought.
But I know this girl likes me, and that's all I need.


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