A Pokémon Ranger, Not a Trainer: Almia

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"Blank walls with no sign of anybody living there. Not even photo frames holding pictures."

Title: A Pokémon Ranger, Not a Trainer: Almia

Author: Pkmnandfairieslover

Genre(s): Adventure

Update Schedule: Once a month

Number of Chapters: 8


Fifteen-year-old Summer belongs to a family of trainers. One might think that with many trainers and trainers-to-be, she would have been on the fast track to being a Pokémon trainer herself at the age of ten.

But that just wasn't the case. Summer did not see what the point of Poké Balls were and didn't like them anyway.

However, Summer had seen the way how Rangers 'captured' Pokémon and has decided to go to the Ranger School stationed in the faraway Almia region. As soon as she gets there, Summer's instantly thrown into school chaos. And after graduating, tossed into her career as a Pokémon Ranger.

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