After Class

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I was scared for class on Monday to see Ethan. After I'd messaged him, I sort of wished I hadn't but I also felt relieved. He replied in a few minutes.


You do? Are you sure? Thank you so much Olivia :-)


I'm sure.

I didn't know where to go from there. He didn't text me again which I didn't know how to feel about.

I spent Sunday with Noah and it was actually really nice. Him and I hadn't done something alone together in quite a while because so much had happened recently and we both haven't had the chance. I just went over to his house and then we walked to the park. We both got milkshakes in the cafe and had a great time together.

He asked about Jack, and I told him that I did like him but I wasn't sure if things were going to work out with him. He seemed pleased, but he doesn't know about Ethan.

We spent most of the day together but I joe he didn't see it as some sort of date, I couldn't deal with anything like that. Noah and I are better off as friends anyway, I couldn't ruin that and I have Ethan. And I have Jack. There's too many people at once.

I came home at seven o'clock for some dinner with my family. It was all laid out and they were just about to start eating.

"What did you do today?" Asked Oscar, my brother.

"I met up with my friend Noah." I told him.

"I like him, he's nice." Noah has always been kind to my brother and I think my brother looks up to him.

Oscar had been doing homework today and some of his friends came round as they all live quite close. My mum went shopping and my dad did some gardening.

After dinner all together, we watched a James Bond film and then we all went to bed.


It was English literature first, like every Monday. We could sit where we wanted each lesson, in different places. Today I sat with Sam, with Lucy and Steven behind us. Sam was always a laugh and he got along well. I also like Lucy as she is super nice and we can work together well, talking at the same time. Steven is a bit of a geek, he loves reading but I also like reading so I can't judge. He is also pretty shy which is sweet.

I had a free period next which I spent with Noah and Jayden. I do like spending time with the boys as I get on nearly as well with them as I do with the girls, but in a different way. We sat in the sixth form library and just messed about. The librarian threatened to send us out if we weren't quieter, so we calmed down a bit.

I sat down at the Cream Café with Isabelle for lunch. The only lesson left of the day was geography. Thinking about it made my stomach hurt. I was nervous, but excited, I just didn't know how to feel. What's he going to say to me?

"It'll be fine Olivia, calm down." Isabelle giggled, but she was serious. I'd told her about the situation. She could tell I was nervous by the way I kept fiddling with my hands as I always do in situations like these. I took a deep breath. "This might not be the right time, but what are you going to do about Jack? He likes you so much and I sort of feel bad for him."

"I know, I know. I like him too. Ugh why does everything have to be so difficult?" I almost shouted. I couldn't take it anymore. I know some girls would say that they would kill to be in this situation, with all these gorgeous guys to choose from. But it's so draining. Why couldn't I have met Jack first? If I'd met him first and not met Ethan, then things would be different.

"You need to talk to him, if you decide you want to get with Mr Lockwood." She had another forkful of her salmon and cream cheese bagel.

"I will." I sighed.

"How's it going with Jason then?" I asked her with a wink.

"Really good actually. I feel like he's going to ask me to be his girlfriend soon, but I don't want to jinx it." Her face lit up.

"Wow that's great!" Her and Jason are a great couple. He makes her so happy and from our double date I could see that she makes him happy too.

"We've seen each other at least three times a week and we call or text each other all the time. I feel like I've known him forever."

"That is the sweetest thing, I hope he asks you soon."

"Me too!"

We walked back to school and I saw all my friends sitting outside. I waved goodbye to Isabelle and went to sit with them. There was Sarah, Lola, Noah, Jayden from my main friendship group. Charlie, Sam, Lucy, Zara and Daniel were also there and Chloe, Steven and Jasper from Lola and Noah's form.

They all greeted me as I walked over. Sam and Daniel hollered me over to them. Sarah and Lola were looking at me, giggling.

"Where have you been? I've missed you." Sam gave me puppy dog eyes which made me laugh.

"Yeah you left us!" Daniel moaned jokingly.

"I had lunch with Isabelle." I told them. "What did you miss me that much? You have everyone else."

"But your Olivia." Sam said which made us all laugh whilst I was shaking my head. I could see Zara glaring daggers at me out of the corner of my eye, I really don't like that girl.

We all carried on talking for the next twenty minutes or so because we had lessons after that. We all said goodbye and I walked to geography with Lola and Noah. We got there just on time, we were one of the last ones in there. Mr Lockwood, Ethan, was sat at the front and he looked up at us as we walked in. I was so glad that the lesson hadn't started yet. His face lit up as he saw me and I smiled lightly at him as I sat down.

"Hey." Liam whispered to me.

"Hey." I greeted him back. I quickly got out my supplier from my bag. Mr Lockwood started the lesson and I sat and listened intently. He talked and flicked through slides for most of the lesson. I made notes, making them really neat and appealing like I always try to do.

It dragged on a bit I must admit, I just wanted it to be over. Mr Lockwood's green eyes were fixated on me for most of the lesson. We kept making eye contact which made me more nervous. He'd probably want to speak to me after lesson and I couldn't object in front of everyone. Even if we were alone, I'd told him that I'd forgive him so I had to talk to him or he'd be confused.

After the lesson had finished, I packed up my things and started to walk towards the door with Lola and Noah when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Olivia, could I speak to you for a minute?" I turned to look at Mr Lockwood. I knew this was going to happen so I said yes. Lola and Noah left the classroom without me.

We had already planned to meet up at Jayden's house after school to do some homework, however I'm not sure how much we'd actually get done.

I waltzed over to Ethan and stood in front of him by his desk. He waited until everyone was out of the room and then he turned back to take me in.

"You look so gorgeous today." He checked me out again, from my feet until he reached my face. I was wearing a red off the shoulder bodysuit, skinny black leather pants and black boots.

"Thank y-" He cut me off as he placed his soft pink lips onto mine in the most passionate kiss.

This chapter is a lot shorter than the last few as they've been quite long but there was nothing else to say and I like the way it ends. Hope you are enjoying the book!

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