The Time You Saved Me

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Today was the day. You were not changing your mind. You needed to do this. Today was the day when you would finally leave this world. You had it all planed out. Around 1 pm you would walk down to the pier. Right now it was around 11:30, so you started to get ready. 

You had decided earlier that you would wear your favorite (f/c) short dress that went to your knees. You smiled as you slipped the silky dress on, twirling around once in the mirror. 

Slipping on your black flats, you grab your phone and walk out the door. All you could think about was how exited you were. Although you had a fairly okay childhood, you diagnosed yourself with depression, finding yourself usually wishing you were dead. You had no idea why you were sad at the time, telling yourself that it was stupid to be sad. You had a family, it wasn't perfect but it was still a family. You always had friends, so through out your life you hid your depression, not wanting to burden someone with your problems.

You had resorted to cutting around 13, only doing it around once or twice a week. It was only on your hip so no one would see. But soon it had gotten out of hand. Your friends started to ask if you were okay. You would always reply with a ‘I’m fine,” or “I’m just tired.” It was hard to hide all of it and never vent to anyone, but you dealt with it.

Currently, you are 19. You had moved out the second you had a stable job and were of age. Your parents had been sad that you were leaving at an early age, but you had to leave. Your sister was still living with them even if she was 3 years older than you. It was kind of expected though, since she had started drinking and doing drugs at the young age of 15. 

As you jump into your car, you turn on the radio. Instantly your favorite song comes on. You smile as you drive down to the pier, only once getting nervous about the upcoming event. 

It was time. You had arrived at the pier at 1 o’clock like expected. There wasn’t anyone at the beach at the moment. Walking up to the beach, you start to ascend the stairs of the pier, going slowly. 

You slowly walk down the long wooden pathway. Leaning over the edge of the pier you breathe in the salty smell of the air. Taking a slow, deep breath, you climb over the metal railing and stand on the very edge, holding on to the railing behind you. 

You start to count down in your head slowly.

10, 9…

You take more deep breaths, trying to calm yourself.

8. 7, 6…

You feel yourself start to tear up, cursing at yourself you wipe them away.

5, 4…

Leaning forward a little, you look down, seeing the crashing waves.

3, 2…


Someone yells from behind you, you feel yourself getting pulled back. The mystery person pulls you safely back onto the dock. Your whole world suddenly breaks as you start to pour out tears. You sob onto the persons shoulder, holding onto them as if your life depended on it. 

“Hey, hey shhhh it’s okay everything’s okay you’re safe now sshhhh….” The person says as they wrap their arms around you. You lean back to see the persons face. You see soft blond hair, freckles, sunglasses and….


“D-Dave?...” you say, still sobbing abit. 


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