You Really Were Always There For Me

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When you were little, you had this friend who lived next t you. He was really your best friend. You guys would hang out everyday after school. Since your parents had been divorced since you were 3, you had to switch between there houses every couple of days. 

You had a really big crush on this boy. But the day you moved away, you didn’t even get to say goodbye. It was heart breaking really, even though you were only 6. 

“Promise that we will always be best friends, Dave.”

“I swear.”

That was the last thing he said to you. It was the day before you moved. You were both so young that you can barely remember it. 

You look down at the floor of Dave’s small apartment. After he saved you, he pulled you into his car and drove you to his house. You fidget a little from where you are sitting on the couch. 

“Here.” Dave says, handing you a mug of Earl Grey tea. You take the mug and sip it a little. Dave sits next to you, holding his own mug. 

You both sit in silence for awhile. You start to think about what Dave looked like when he was young. You compare the young Dave with the present one. He has grown a lot, and he still wears his shades.

“I…” You start to say, not really being able to get the word out. “Its good to see you…” You manage out.

“Cut the crap ___, what the fuck where you doing on the pier?”


“Oh so you were just enjoying the view of the crashing waves?” You look down in shame. He sighs and sets his mug down.

“I’m sorry…” You say, tears start to form In your eyes again.

“Oh fuck no its fine don’t cry.” Dave wraps his arms around you and you lean your head on his shoulder. You both sit like that for awhile.

“How long?” Dave asks suddenly. You sigh and look down again.

“Since I was 12 or 13…” He clenches his fist abit.

“Fuck, if only I was there-“ 

You sit up suddenly, accidentally spilling your tea while saying, “No don’t blame yourself- FUCK!” you yell, feeling the hot tea spill on your dress. “Ow ow ow!”

Dave stands up and rushes to get you a towel; you start to wipe up the tea. 

“Fuck my dress is wet, can I borrow some of your clothes?” You say. He nods and heads into his room, grabbing you one of his shirts and shorts and going back to give them to you.

“You can change in the bathroom.” He says, pointing to the bathroom. You smile and thank him as you head there.

*~~Small time skip cause I’m to lazy to write a changing scene~~*

You step out of the bathroom in his shirt and shorts. They are baggy on you, but comfortable. You see Dave on the couch watching god knows what. You sit next to him and lean back.

“What are you watching?” You say, looking up at him. 

“Adventure Time.”

“Oh my god I love that show!!” You sit up and look at the TV. “Oh this is that weird one where Marcy eats her hair…” You shudder at the memory. Dave looks down at you and sees your wrist. He grabs it and runs a finger down it.

“Why?” Is all he says. You frown.

“I really don’t know. It just… happened one day.” You lay your head on his shoulder. Dave wraps his arm around yours and pulls you closer, kissing your head. 

“Don’t ever do it again.” 

“Its not that easy, Dave.”

“Then I will help you out no matter what.” You smile and scoot closer to him. You are alittle glad he stopped you. You got to meet him again. But there is still that lingering feeling, wishing you could have planed it earlier. 

“___?” He asked. You turn your head to look at him”


“Will you be my girlfriend?” He says hesitantly. 

“Yes.” You smile and kiss him. Its slow and soft. You lay your head back on his shoulder, slowly falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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