The Unexpected

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Emmett POV
"I don't understand, Carlisle. One minute she was fine, and the next she's on the ground screaming." I explained, breathing heavily in concern. How could I be such a selfish idiot, leaving her while I went after another bear. This was all my fault.
"I'm not really sure what the problem here is." he said, checking over her lifeless body as she lay on the hospitality bed. She looked so different... weak somehow. I was extremely worried for her.
"What do we do?" I asked, my brows furrowing "Surely you must have some idea, you're a doctor." I shook my head a little, confused.
He shook his head, which worried me.
"Like I said, I'm not sure what this is just yet. But don't worry, everything will be alright." he said with a hand on my shoulder. "I'll give you a minute." and with that, he left the room.
I took a seat beside the bed, taking hold of her hand. It was... warm? Strange. I sighed, looking at her. I couldn't believe I let this happen to her, how could I be so greedy to go after seventeen bears in one hunt. If we had come home earlier, this may not have happened. I felt the guilt, regret and pain creeping into me. Just then, a faint moan came from Rosalie.
"E-Emmett..." she moaned out weakly, squeezing my hand ever so slightly. Thank god she's awake.
"Rose... it's okay. Carlisle!" I yelled for him, and he was there two seconds after.
"Rosalie, you're awake." he said, smiling slightly "Do you remember anything that happened?" he stood on the other side of her.
"All I remember is pain shooting through my body, coming from my stomach.. I think. Then everything went black."
"Hmm..." Carlisle frowned a little, looking like he was deep in thought. "May I try something?"
"Sur-" I cut Rosalie off.
"What are you going to do?" my protective instincts took over.
"It's just a simple test, don't worry. It won't harm her." he told me calmly, and I agreed. He pulled out a stethoscope and lifted Rosalie's shirt over her stomach, laying the base gently onto her stomach, putting the ends into his ears. He listened for a moment then frowned, looking confused. He then took out a needle "May I?" Rosalie nodded. He pierced through her skin easier than it should, and red liquid filled the needle. I then caught the scent of human blood. What the fuck. She had human blood in her? How...
Carlisle then walked over to a computer type thing, and squirted the liquid onto a board, looking at it through the computer screen. Hs then walked back over, looking slightly concerned.
"Well, I think I know what caused this." he said.
"What was it?" I asked, concerned for her.
"Rosalie, it looks like you're pregnant."
"What?!" we both yelled.

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