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Rosalie POV
I couldn't believe it. I was pregnant? But how? It couldn't be true... All I've ever wanted was my very own baby. My own baby to love, to spoil and to watch grow up. The baby I've wanted since I had a doll in a stroller, and here i am, a vampire, impossibly yet undeniably pregnant.
"It's quite astonishing, yes, but there is a slight flaw to this." Carlisle stated as he frowned, and at once my stomach began to flutter.
"F-flaw?" I stuttered, my hand tightening around Emmett's.
"Yes, a flaw. You see, Rosalie, this isn't going to be easy. On the last night of your life, after what they did to you, one of their sperms must have fertilized one of your eggs, however during the transformation the fetus was frozen, just like you. Some of the venom must have made it's way into the placenta because this baby is not fully human nor fully vampire. Now when you and Emmett were.. being intimate.. his release must have triggered the frozen state of the fetus, therefor allowing it to grow. Because of the power of the venom which I turned you from, the humans sperm which fertilized the egg would have been destroyed, and Emmett's took it's place in the egg, helping the baby develop." he finished, looking astounded himself. I couldn't believe it. I was pregnant with a hybrid. And it was mine and Emmett's child. Both seeming so impossible, yet it was possible. So good did come from that night after all. A small smile crept it's way over my lips.
"Also, this baby is only half of what you are, therefor there should be no problems during the birth. If my calculations are correct, the birth will be very easy and almost pain free." Carlisle said and my smile widened.
Emmett spoke next "Wait so, what happened in the forest back there? That wasn't exactly pain free.."
Carlisle shook his head "Ah, this is the exciting part. The fetus has a special ability, you see. I'm not exactly sure what the ability is, but all I know is that it doesn't quite work while in the womb, these shouldn't come too often. Maybe once every two months or so."
he nodded. I saw a smile on Emmett's face and he hugged me gently. I hugged back tightly. My life was complete. It was perfect. I had a loving husband and my baby that I could live with for eternity. How could this get any better?

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