Chapter 22

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Edit: 2/24/20
Warning! Birth scenes ahead. For those who wish to skip, tune in at 'Forty-five minutes later it's over.'

December 9th, 2025- Nine Hours Later-

Otabek's POV 1st Person

Yuri screams as, once again, he's forced to sit up and push. His face is contorted in pain and his voice breaks, leaving him curled forward in near-silent agony. His eyes are squeezed shut and tears stream down his face as he collapses back against me. This brings no relief however as, in a second, he's sitting up again and crying out, squeezing my hand so hard I think it might break. He crumples onto me once more and his head lolls back onto my shoulder. He breathes heavily and whimpers as he's racked with yet another excruciating wave. It takes everything I have not to cry with him, seeing him like this is killing me. It's been nine hours, each one passing one seemingly bringing us no closer to the end.

Suddenly he's bolt upright, crying out and holding onto me for dear life. I support him as he does this and help him sit up, letting him lean against me as he goes through this torment.

Forty-five minutes later it's over. He's shattered and falls back onto me, eyes closed and face pale. His hair is soaked in sweat and his entire body's trembling with exertion. Seemingly half asleep he rests his head on me, limp and too exhausted to function. He doesn't have to anymore though, it's done, he's done. His eyes flicker open as her cries sound in the room, and a small weary smile forms on his face. "Is-?" He mutters weakly as he attempts to keep his eyes open.

"Yes," I say softly and help him sit up as the doctor hands him a tiny pink bundle. His arms shake as he takes her, and cradles her to his chest. Very gently, he tilts her up so we can see her face. I gaze over his shoulder and look at my daughter for the very first time.

She's beautiful; tiny and pink and a perfect copy of Yuri. Their features are identical; the small upturned nose, delicate jawline, even the wisp of blonde hair on her head is his.

Her little mouth opens and she begins crying, "Shh," Yuri coos gently, a soft smile on his face, "It's okay," As if realizing he's here, she opens her eyes and I gaze into Yuri's beautiful green ones. The Plisetsky eyes. Yuri looks back at me and together we take in every aspect of our daughter's appearance, memorizing each little detail in her face. I kiss him gently and watch the expression of pure joy he wears as he looks at the tiny creature in his arms.

After a long time, I get a turn holding her and find myself mesmerized by the little human I'm responsible for. She yawns and I almost die, my heart stopping as her tiny mouth opens and her eyes drift shut. She falls asleep as I take her, rocking back and forth ever so slightly. Yuri smiles as he watches us together, eyelids drooping and looking weary.

"Go to sleep," I tell him, coming over and stroking his hair, "You're exhausted," He nods but his gaze wanders back to the infant I hold. "She'll be here in an hour or two," I tell him and place her into the bassinet at his bedside, "You both need to rest," He agrees and starts to reposition but winces painfully, stopping. I help him lie down and give him a quick kiss. The second his head hits the pillow he's asleep, body shutting down after all it's been through. My eyes flit from my husband to my daughter, both asleep, and both wearing the exact same expression. I pull out my phone and snap a quick picture of the two, sleeping peacefully side by side.


"We need a name," Yuri sits up in bed a few hours later, holding our daughter and making faces for her.

"I know," I say and laugh as she makes a weird little popping sound with her lips. "We're definitely out of time," He nods and beckons me over. I sit next to him on the bed and look down at her, scrutinizing her little face to see if she looks particularly like a certain name.

"Should we try that again?" Yuri asks me, looking vaguely amused at the memory of a few months previous, "It should be more effective now as we can actually see her," I nod and start,

"Alina," She doesn't respond,

"Yuliya," Yuri tries this time and she blinks,

"Sacha," We say together and she looks at us, seeming curious. Yuri smiles,

"Sacha," He says again and her eyes follow his voice. "We finally have a name," He says and I smile,

"She's perfect, you're perfect," We look at our daughter, we look at Sacha, and find her staring back at us, seeming to be deep in thought. I take her from my husband and walk around the room with her, rocking her back and forth, turning the little bundle so she can see everything.

After a while I find Yuri staring at me, a curious expression on his face. "What?" I ask him with a smile. He shakes his head slightly,

"Nothing," He smiles and keeps his eyes on our progress around the room, "You're so good with her, it's adorable,"

"She's adorable," I amend his statement, "I'm just next to her," He laughs and picks up his phone from the table by the bed, taking a photo of us.

I return her to Yuri who accepts the wriggling little bundle happily. He takes her and puts her up against his chest, so the top of her little head is just under his chin. His eyes wander and I see them begin to close. They eventually do and I can't help but smile at the sight: Yuri asleep with his head resting on the pillow, and Sacha asleep on top of him with her head on his chest. I watch my little family and can't help but think how perfect my life has become.

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