That Chapter Where They Actually Talk

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Eddy gave him a lopsided grin, slightly unsure of what was going on. He did feel a strange sense of nervousness, looking at the man in front of him. However, as his eyes continued to sweep up and down the man, taking in his disheveled, wind tossed hair and the panicked expression adorning his face, Eddy felt an even more out of place sense of peace sweep over him, trumping his nervousness.

The man couldn't have been more than twenty something, and he was practically swimming in the t-shirt he wore, more than covering his skinny frame. His skin was clearer than Eddy's future, and if left to his own devices, Eddy could swim forever in his rich brown eyes.

"Demon." The word wasn't a question, and the man hissed it out through his front teeth, almost scowling at him. His tone was defensive. Eddy frowned. He didn't know why, but he didn't want to disappoint this man. What is he?

"Hi, I was just checking in, but you seem like you're really doing okay here, and I guess you don't need me to kill anyone for you," Eddy said awkwardly, remembering that his eyes still burned a brilliant red in the darkly lit alley. "My name's Eddy," he tried.

"Shit." The man whirled around, looking at the body on the ground behind him and then back at Eddy. His eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation, though his tone seemed more panicked than anything else. "This can't be happening. You can't be here." He put his head in his hands in despair. "Oh, they're going to kill me, they're going to strip me of my status and kill me oh my gosh-"

That was when it seemed to click for Eddy. It was all adding up, the impossible strength, the uncaring expression while he was being mugged, even the immediate knowledge of who and what Eddy was.

His eyes widened as the angel in front of him took a fighting stance, sinking into it and facing Eddy. "I can't let you leave, I'm sorry," he said, and Eddy could almost sense remorse in his words.

"Hey now," he responded, fully aware he wasn't strong enough to go toe to toe with an angel any day, "Can't we just talk this out?"

The angel shook his head in quick, jerky motions. "No, no, no, that won't work." He started muttering to himself even as Eddy mirrored his stance, somewhat reluctantly. "I could kill him too, no Brett, you're already in enough trouble as is, they'll come looking for him. Is that a bad thing? You don't have to be here when they come... But still, they'll know. They always know. You could take them in a fight, probably. Too risky..." Finally Brett sighed, looking up to Eddy and wincing. "I really am sorry."

Brett held his hand up, nothing more than that, and Eddy felt his vision begin to blur. He stumbled to the right, feet crossing awkwardly as he struggled to hold himself up against the brick wall. "W-what did you do to me?" He managed to get out, feeling the brick bite into his palms. He was feeling more lightheaded the longer he leaned into the wall, and he began to feel numbness in his feet.

The last thing that Eddy could remember before he passed out was Brett's face, an odd mix of terror and sorrow, looking down at him.

Eddy awoke to bright lights and the smell of vanilla. Shaking his head in an attempt to clear the ringing from his ears, he began to assess his situation. So he wasn't dead... yet. He appeared to be in someone's basement, judging by the fact that the room lacked windows and the only exit he could spot would be the stairs against the wall in front of him.

It was a peculiar red color, with a teal futon off to one side and an old fashioned tv in the corner. Eddy could feel the fuzz of the carpet beneath his toes. When did I take my shoes off? His clunky black boots sat by the staircase, next to a small shelf. There were books all over the shelf, and Eddy was just taking a second to examine the titles, oddly calm, when he heard it. The door upstairs slammed shut.

Hearing this, Eddy jumped, nervous. Or at least, he tried to. Immediately he was met with a burning sensation in his wrists, and he hissed out a couple choice profanities. Looking down, he could see that he appeared to be tied to the chair he sat in, the cuffs digging into his wrists. The footsteps were now making their way down the stairs, and Eddy looked up, making eye contact with the angel from earlier, just now reaching the bottom of the staircase. This can't be good. Eddy could feel his heartbeat quicken.

Opening his mouth to say something seemed like a good idea. It didn't look like the angel was going to. His jaw hung open for only a moment before Eddy spouted out the first thing he could think to ask. "Am I in your basement?"

Brett blinked once. "Uh..."

"I mean, it's a nice basement," Eddy continued now, wincing slightly. "Nothing wrong with it, and I love the vanilla scent, but I just can't seem to imagine an angel owning a house. Like, did you pay it off? Do you rent from someone?"

"You're not mad about the whole kidnapping thing?" Brett asked him, tone even and face blank.

"Oh no, I'm furious," Eddy responded, giving Brett a small, equally awkward grin. What am I doing? "If not for these restraints, I would tear you limb from limb."

Brett snorted at that, sitting across from Eddy. "Don't kid yourself, demon. You're nowhere near strong enough to take down an angel."

Shit, he's got that part right. Eddy bit his lip. "I may not be, but I'm pretty sure the higher ups on your end would be strong enough."

Brett's face went from composed to concerned in less than a second. Gotcha, Eddy thought, and then, where did my sense of self preservation go? I'm threatening an angel.

"You know, I don't just make a habit of kidnapping demons," Brett informed him, a slight edge to his voice now.

He didn't quite know what to say to that. "Aww, so I'm your first?" Eddy teased, taking an unreasonable amount of pride in the slight flush that had started to tinge the angel's cheeks. "I'm honored." When will my sense of self preservation return from the war?

Brett just grumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?" Eddy asked, voice almost comically innocent.

"I said if you don't shut your mouth I'll shut it for you," Brett said, louder.

Eddy shut his mouth.

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