Chapter Six

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Harry's POV

"You just left and didn't say anything," Christa's voice whined through the cell phone speaker.

"I already told you I had something to take care of tonight."

"What do you have to do that's so pressing at 10 pm? I know it's because Elodie is back," she let the words slide off her tongue like venom.

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply. I don't even know why I did this shit. I was drunk and she was there in Cheshire, of all places. Her bullshit apology cut through me when she said she found me attractive all of those years. My boyhood insecurities wanted to prove a point that I could bed the second prettiest girl of our graduating class. She only had eyes for me that night as we stumbled all over that pub. She took me into the alleyway and begged me to have my way with her. It was unhealthy, but it felt so damn good. The next morning I felt regret when I rolled over in my bed and she was there. It was such a mistake that went too far. 

"Don't even say her name," I responded. "You know what you did to her and you know what she means to me."

She stayed quiet. This wasn't working for too many reasons and I know I had to end it soon. I could feel her getting ready to catch feelings for me.

"I'll deal with this later. I gotta go," I disconnected the call as I pulled into El's driveway. 

Elodie defensively stood in front of Liam, who inched closer to her, looking like a snake ready to strike. I hated this asshole after the way he dragged her along for months without ending it. I hopped out of the car and barely got the ignition cut off. They were in a half shouting match about her telling him to leave. A large part of me was proud to see Elodie standing up for herself. She watched me cuss people out all day for her in high school and now she's learned well. The expletives that were leaving her mouth almost made me blush. She had it on her own, but I couldn't watch him come at her like that.

"She said get the fuck out of here, Payne," I went to stand in front of Elodie.

"So you're finally letting Harry get a taste of that," he scoffed at her. "Who hasn't had you?"

Elodie tensed up at his words and grabbed the sleeve of my sweatshirt to reach past me for Liam. She wanted to go for the jugular. As entertaining as that would be, if he even dared to hit her back, I would tear him apart. I grabbed her hand and spun her behind me again.

"Go in the house, El," I sternly looked at her.

She opened her mouth before snapping it shut again. She knew her fight was with Liam and not me right now. She looked up before squaring her eyes at him and flipping her middle finger in the air. I waited until I heard the front door close to turn back around to Liam.

I grabbed him by his throat and shoved his body against the side of her SUV. I was probably going to have to pay to get the dent out, but I didn't care about that right now.

"If I ever see you fucking with her again, this isn't the worst thing I'll do to you," I pressed my forearm against his face.

"Fuck you, Styles," he managed to say as he tried to squirm out of my grip. "She's really got you wrapped around her tight little—."

"What the hell did I just say?" I cut his words short and slammed his head against the glass not caring if it cracked. I wasn't going to let him talk about her like that. She wasn't that type of girl and he knew that.

"Always her knight in shining fucking armor," Liam pushed me off of him when I loosened my grip. He stumbled back to the end of the driveway. "How long has it been now? 9? 10 years?"

"You don't even know what you're talking about," I seethed. 

"You have to be getting some by now. She's got you that whipped and you don't even see it," he laughed. "I did see those double D's jiggle under that shirt tonight without that bra on though."

I drew the line at that. The anger grew inside of me and I felt like I was back in that hallway trying to erase the word 'slut' from her locker that someone sprawled out in magic marker. Without hesitation, my fist connected with Liam's face and I heard the familiar crack of his jaw bone meeting my knuckles. I landed two more punches before he landed on the ground. Pathetic. It made me angry to know how he knew that. If I found out he touched her without her consent tonight, I would drag his ass down the entire street.

"Was it all worth it for someone who'll never be with you?" he spat and he held his jaw as he got up and walked backwards. 

He was smart enough not to continue this fight.

"She is with me," I lied. It was the only way to get him to stop. "And if I see you again, you won't make it up off the ground."

"You'll pay for that, Styles" he finally walked away.

I huffed and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn't move until I couldn't see him anymore. It pissed me off to hear him talk about Elodie like she was some kind of toy for him. I'll have to deal with the fall out of lying about her being my girlfriend later.

I grabbed the pizza box, bag of burgers, and the records from the backseat. I took the steps two at a time and walked in the house. I followed the sound of El's foot steps to the kitchen. Her back was turned to me while she was looking in the fridge.

"You alright?" I asked softly before setting everything down on the counter.

"Mhm," she nodded. Her back still turned.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Mhm," Elodie nodded again, reaching into the back of the refrigerator.

"He didn't touch you...did he?" My body tensed and prepared for the answer. I was going to walk right back out that door if he did.

"Unh unh," she shook her head no.

I unclenched my fists.

She turned around with two cans of sparkling water in her hand before closing the refrigerator door with her hip. She wasn't alright. It was written all over her face. I spun her around and cradled my arms around her.

 "You're a bad liar."

"I know," she cried into my chest. 

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