22. the perfect ratio

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I've wondered what it's like to be on TV before. I've always turned to gossip shows for entertainment. I usually watch them during my breaks and lunch at work. Of course, it was before I became the gossip.

I haven't tuned into those channels since I met Derek.

Never in my life did I think I would ever be the person in front of the camera. Have I wondered what it feels like? Yes. Was I close? No.

If I had to choose one word to describe it, it would be nerve wrecking. I watch in amazement as the camera crew prepare to record. Ian, Derek, and I are sitting in highchairs with me sitting in the middle. I don't know whose idea it was. I wish I was on the other side of Derek, somehow that would make me feel safer.

Next to Ian is a high table and then there is the host on the other side. Her name is Jen. They are fixing her make-up as we get ready to start the interview. Her and Ian have been chatting since we got here. Ian doesn't look nervous at all. He laughs and smiles excitedly. His app is getting good publicity, why wouldn't he be happy? Meanwhile, I don't know how to make my hands stop sweating.

Derek's big hand suddenly goes on top of mine and I look up at him. He looks absolutely gorgeous in his black suit. His hair is perfectly styled on top of his head. The make-up crew didn't have to do much to make him look good. He literally woke up like this.

Last night, I crashed as soon as I laid on the bed of one of his guest rooms. Him and Ian stayed up late playing video games. I know because Ian was sleeping on the couch the next morning. Sleeping in Derek's house should have been weird...but it wasn't. I felt welcomed and comfortable, as if last night wasn't the first time I slept over at his house. The bed was way more comfortable than mine and the sun coming through the windows was, somehow, shiner. I still can't believe he just asked me to sleep over at his house. I hope he didn't do it because he's so used to inviting girls over. I'm too scared to ask him or find out. I want to stay in this little fantasy for a little longer.

"Are you alright?" he asks softly, his blue eyes searching mine.

I nod slowly. "Just nervous." I admit then smile sheepishly. "Don't let me say anything stupid."

He chuckles then reaches out to stroke my cheek with the back of his hand. "You won't. It'll be fine."

"How do you do it?" I ask, suddenly curious. I'm sure he's done thousands of interviews in his career. I don't doubt that he was good from the very first one. If there is one thing that I know for sure, it's that the camera loves Derek Collins.

He shrugs then glances at the cameras in front of us. "I just remind myself that all the people that support me are behind those cameras and I always want to put on a good show for them." he pauses. "Plus, I know I look amazing." He winks at me, making me laugh.

My shoulders relax. He smiles at me and I realize what he has done. The tingles in my stomach go wild. How is it that this man, that I barely know, knows exactly how to ease my nerves?

I want to kiss him but I can't forget about all the people around us, much less the cameras that are probably already recording. Before I can do or say anything, Jen lets us know that we are about to start. Derek straightens up in his chair and I mimic him; he is the expert here after all.

I do feel less nervous. I remind myself that it's not just me up here. There's Ian and Derek. They're the ones people want to hear from, not me, and I will gladly keep my mouth shut.

I put on a small smile on my face as the countdown behind the camera begins and then we're recording.

"Good morning, New York! I'm Jen Montana and I'm here to talk about the hottest dating app right now, MATCH ME."

DEREK'S MATCH (DEREK #1) SAMPLE, NOW PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now