Chapter One

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Chapter One; Games

Her wind blew through the chocolate colored tussles, her trees sighing at the cold breeze from underneath her rosy suns heat. She smirks as she watches the Chartarian female run through the forest, the sickly sweet leaves seemingly laugh in delight, as if they knew her end was soon to come.
Chartarian soldiers, and their guard dogs, were in her tail; chasing after the odd one out. The thrill, the kill, it had their long and pointed ears twitching in delight. The goddess knew, and to her; It was pure entertainment! She cared not for the world she created, nor for the people within that troubling atmosphere. War wreaked havock and chaos all around, and not once had their goddess cared for them, as they worshipped her.

'Never in their puny little minds,' She smirked, 'Would they think their goddess, their deity, not care for them at all!' She gave a harsh laugh, an evil smirk crossing her face before falling into a frown, watching the checker cladded female lose the Chartarian guards, their Canines whining as they some how lose her scent. The goddess growled, slamming her fists on the dark oak desk that held her laptop. "Damn it!" She barked, her honey brown hair flaring out as she slammed the computer closed, "The one that got away." She muttered with a huff as she yanked her red bag over her shoulder.

The now iritated Norwegian female sighed, her footsteps heavy as she climbed down the stairs, making her way to the kitchen where Paulina and Patricia greeted her.

"Good morning, Miss Tori!" Paulina smiles wildly, oblivious to her leaders very evident anger.

"Faen av, Paulina!" Victori snarls out, grabbing a peice of toast, the seventeen year old walked out of the house, slamming her door shut.

"What did I do?" Paulina whimpers out, holding onto Patricia as she cries into her chest.

"Nothing, love. Our leader is merely pissed from her game." Patricia whispers, trying to soothe her girlfriend.


The blue hooded female smirks as she watches the screen fade into a cave, 'Safe at last~!' She grins, the Jehovas getting away from yet another judgemental village. Closing the window, she walks down the hall, greeting her friends.

"Hey, Ell! Matilda! Waiting long?" She grins, watching as Matilda groans.

"Duh! It's been like, five minutes!" She groans, huffing as she crosses her arms.

Ell laughs, "Anyways, grab some toast, and lets head for school." She grins, grabbing her bag, the cola lover grabs a few cans out of the fridge as the eighteen year old spreads some butter on her peice of burnt bread.

"Lets go!" Matilda whined, pushing them out the door as the two elder females laughed.

Tamara moved out right at the age of eighteen, not wanting to deal with her parents anymore, Ell doing the same thing at the age of seventeen.

Matilda. . . They didn't know. But, they let her live with them and, as far as they know, her parents don't care where the sixteen year old goes.

Tamara grins as she walks to the school, taking in a deep breath as she smiles softly.


Tam sat at the school lunch table, smiling softly at her friends before digging into the pork infront of her.

"Tammy! You can't eat pork, can you? Isn't that against your religion?" Matilda tilts her head, a look of confusion.

"You're getting me mixed up with being Jewish again, Matty. I'm a Jehovas, remember?" She chuckles, correcting the younger female.

"Oh yeah~ Sorry!" She smiles, going back to eating, having forgotten what had happened.

"You know that one Norwegian female? The one that's always causing trouble?" Ell whispers.
"Yeah? I thought you didn't like her." Tamara replies nonchalant, not really expecting anything new or exciting.

"Well, that is until today, she decided to talk to me during class today, it was free time and we didn't have anything else to do, so I decided to converse with her. She's actually really nice!" Ell smiles, "You should talk to her some time, she's really fluent in english, and really just wants to make friends."

"Nah, it's fine. I don't want to. I have to many other things going on to make new friends anyways." Tamara brushes her off, not really wanting to do anything aside from work today.

"Well, alright, but I do insist." Ell smiles before eating.

Hearing the bell ring made them sigh as they each got up and walked their seperate ways to class.

This was going to be a long day.

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