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"Lee,you up yet?" My dad inquired from the outside of my bedroom door.

"Mmmm"I moaned through my pillow as I brushed a strand of brunette hair away from my eyes.

My day had began tardily.
I woke up late,took way to long in the shower, dwelled trying to piece an outfit together and so I end up enjoying my coffee through a travel mug in the passenger's seat of my dads car.

" So I leave tomorrow on a business trip " , he announced unexpectedly.

"Again?" I sighed while my eyes rolled in response.

"Don't worry, I'll be back next week and it wont be long until my trips no longer affect you" he said with a faint smile that softened the news. His words referring to a conversation,more like confrontation, we had, had over the weekend.

My dad, Niall, is married to a not so nice woman, Sara. She treats me like crap and is an entitled bitch that leaches off of my dads money due to her unemployment to basically sum it up for you.
This weekend we had... and talk. I expressed my opinions on her and unconventionally yet to my benifit my dad had agreed to lease me an apartment in order to maintain the peace in my family.

Holding the mostly empty travel mug with both hands as we drove over a speed bump in the road and my eyes scanned the courtyard until they landed on my group of friends and fellow russ memebers.

Most would say that forming a Russ group when you are only in your first year is completely manic and a waste of time. Vilde, our buss bos would strongly protest to that statement and say it's all about capital and preparation. Without raising funds how else would we be able to afford a buss?
Unlike The Penetrators, we don't have memebers like William Magnusson who just drown in cash to donate to our Russetieden.

Eva was seated on a concrete bench with a couple other people, Isak and Jonas and Sana who formed an imperfect semicircular shape with their bodies. Eva and Jonas had been in an on and off relationship for some time now but there ons were always longer than their time apart. They were completely interdependent on each other.

I stepped out the car and on cue Noora had too approached the schools entrance.
Noora is one of those girls who radiate that flawlessness by being not only clever and wonderfully witty but also deeply thoughtful and insightful. She was so educated on things like feminism, politics and fascism that it was super intimidating. Not to mention she was one of my best friends.

"Hello" she greeted with a warm embrace.
"Hey." I smiled as our paces synchronised.

We approached the group and they effortlessly expanded to include the two of us.

Without and individual greeting but more of a generalised greeting to the group Noora asked the question of Vildes whereabouts but it was shrugged off from our lack of information.

Coincidentally ,soon after discussion her location she ran up to us with full speed and an excited expression plastered onto her face. She came to a hault as she approached too close for comfort.

"Guess who got our buss invited to a penetrator party after officially hooking up with William!" She sang out of breathe.

"Wait you actually went through with loosing your virginity to that asshole? " Noora interuppted.

All she did was nod vigorously without understanding the confusion and shock behing Nooras question.

"Okay but what are you wearing" I signalled a black hoodie.

" It's a penetrator hoodie. " she said stating the clear obvious.

" okay but Vilde, why are you wearing it?"Noora added while they rest just remained silent.

"To make us popular you know, this way we'll climb up the social ladder. Im doing this for the group" she defended before admitting it was a little for her too.
"Plus,he isn't an asshole, he's perfect. Hes handsome and cool. He's dreamy. And he thinks we have something specual"she smiled.

"Did he tell you that", Isak added from the sidelines.

Poor girl. She can be a little naive at most times.Thinking that our lives will play out like a lifetime movie. But we can't help but love her despite the cliché expectations.

"You look like a walking brand ambassador for them. You can't wear that to school. Or anywhere for that matter. Its wrong" I protested.

"But all the other girls wear it ". Vilde looking disappointed and confused to her actions by just staring at the ground twiddling her thumbs.

Eva along with everyone could feel the tension building within the group and tried to diffuse and dispose of it in a state of urgency.
"Jonas and I have Biology first period,anyone else ?"

Most of the other girls had Norwegian or Spanish but unfortunately I had calculus. Something I dreaded.

"No, but I'll work with you two to class" seeing as the classrooms were adjacent to each other.

As usual Jonas and Eva strolled hallways hand in hand leaving me to be a third wheel. But it didn't bother me as much as it usually does.

"So Eva,I need your help with something? "

"Anything, what's up?"

" I want your help. I need to look really really hot at the Penetrators Party."

"Oo anyone in specific you're trying to impress?"Jonas teased which peeked Evas interest.

"No. I just need a confidence boost. Some male attention is lacking in my current ,non-existant love life." I laughed and confessed simultaneously.

"Consider it done " Eva winked at me as we parted ways into each of our classes.

Failing to concentrateI decided to just post something instagram



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Kinda bored lol♡


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