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"Why do I have to go!?"

"Because you're the one getting married not me!"

"But I don't even know him!"

"Lia you have to go. It's what gramps wanted. Please, the flight is already paid for by them."

"I don't want to leave. I don't know the language or the culture, please dont make me go"

"Its for the best. You can visit me after the marriage. Let's go"

I got in the car with my makeup smudged. I cried In the backseat as my brother drove the car.

"Come on Lia" he got off and got my suitcase.

I followed him in to check in. I couldn't help but cry. I'm leaving everything I know and have behind. Who knows when I'll be back.

"Here Lia. Be safe, call us when you get there."

"I'm going to miss you. Take care of everyone" I hugged my brother while continuously crying.

"Its going to be okay, remember. Marriage takes two and don't let anyone bring you down for being from a different culture."

"I really don't want to go Jay, there has to be a way I can avoid this"

"I wish there was, but it's something his grandparents and our great grandparents agreed on. No one knew until now."

Flight to Seoul Korea now departing

"Go on Lia, you'll be fine. Just pray and keep me in mind we'll see each other soon"

"I will. Promise you'll save up to go see me"

"I promise, now go on"

I walked to the gate, I turned back and couldn't help but cry. I'm leaving behind my only brother, my only family.

"Welcome Miss, right this way. We have special orders to have you in first class." The flight attendant showed me to my seat while I looked out the window and cried.

The plane soon left and I still cried making me fall asleep

"Miss..We have landed"

"Oh, thank you"

I got up and was lead off the plane by the attendants. I went to the bathroom to take off the messed up makeup I had. I took it all off only leaving some chapstick on.

"I need to pull myself together" I walked back out and got my luggage. I am supposed to be picked up by some one so I walked to the front of the airport.

There were a bunch of people with signs so I looked for the one with my name on it.

Lia Torres

There it is. I saw an older man with a couple body guards and children waiting for me. The little boys had balloons in their hands. I really hope my soon to be husband isn't that old dude.

"Um..hi, I'm Lia" I said walking up to the guy

"Welcome Miss Lia, I'm Park Chan, I speak English and am here to assist you."

"Noona!" The little boys shouted something and hugged my feet. I don't understand Korean so it makes everything harder for me.

"Hi. You guys are really cute" I said while pinching their cheeks and bending to their level.

"Sarangehae noona!" The both handed me the balloons.

"Thank you." I hugged the little boys and turned to the older guy. "Can you tell me who they are?"

"They are Mr.Kims siblings. They wanted to come greet you. I hope you don't mind"

"Not at all. They remind me of my sisters...." I broke into tears remembering them. It's been 2 years without them already..

"Noona?" The little boys started crying as they saw me cry.

"I uh- I'm sorry. Don't cry. Please don't cry." I hugged the little boys because it broke my heart to make them cry.

The guy whispered something to them and they hugged me tighter.

"Miss Torres we should get going. Everyone is waiting for your arrival."

"Do you mind helping me carry the suitcase and balloons? I can carry these two, I feel bad for making them cry."

"Not at all Miss, but are you sure you can carry both of them? I can just have them walk"

"Its okay. I can handle them"

"Very well then. Follow me this way the car is waiting for us." He went ahead while I carried the little boys. They seem 3 and 4 so they aren't that heavy.

"Here we are miss." The older man opened the door for us and I let the little boys go in first.

"Thank you"

The little boys hugged me during the drive and they fell asleep. I looked out the window. It looks so pretty outside, it's the end of November and they have snow here already. Not like back in Mexico where all we have is rain or heat. I haven't seen snow for 2 years, I really missed it.

"Miss Torres we have arrived."

"Okay" the little boys ran off the car while I got off after. We where in the countryside. It looks beautiful, especially with the snow. "Let me help" I grabbed my suit case from the driver and he smiled. "Thank you."

"Thank you in Korean is Kamsamnida we also bow a little" he said smiling at me.

"Oh then,, kamsamnida" I bowed and he patted my head.

"Right this way miss torres"

"You can call me Lia, there's no need to address me properly"

"Very well the miss Lia" he smiled at me making me feel safe. I think I just made a friend.

He opened the door for us and we walked into the house. It's quite cute and simple just like home back in Mexico.

I saw a bunch of people gathered by in the living room around the fireplace. One big happy family.

The old man said something in Korean making everyone look so shocked.

"Um..hello, I'm Lia Torres"

"Welcome to Korea, I thought you didn't speak english." A tall guy with dimples said approaching me.

"I lived in America most of my life, I speak Spanish and English fluently"

"I see, well I'm Kim namjoon, it's really nice meeting you"

"You too, it's nice meeting someone who also speaks english."

"Haha,right well let me introduce you around."

"Can I ask you something Kim Namjoon?"

"Sure, do you need anything? Is some5hig wrong?"

"I'm good. I was just wondering why everyone is looking so surprised towards my arrival?"

"We um thought you would be a little darker since you're from Mexico. Sorry for the stereo type, we just were surprised on how pale skinned you are"

"Oh... I see"

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