dating quinn would include

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— hating her at first
— you two both in glee club and always arguing
— you have to do a duet together and you realize you like her
— accidentally admitting that you like her to santana
— santana and brittany setting you and quinn up
— quinn admitting she has feelings for you
— your first kiss at her cheer practice
— always supporting each other
— a lot of PDA because quinn wants to make sure people know that you're hers and hers only
— quinn getting jealous super easily
— going to football games just to see her cheer
— getting late dinner after football games
— ditching class to make out
— getting caught
— getting a one day suspension, but not telling your parents, so you spend the day together
— saying your first "i love you"
— quinn saying it back
— sue trying to split you up because quinn is getting 'too into glee club because of you' according to sue
— sue's plan failing
— you and quinn going to prom together after you asked her

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