what you do on thanksgiving

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happy thanksgiving!! (if u celebrate:))

you go to Rachel's house
— a lot of singing and dancing
— you have a really good time & wish it would never end

Quinn comes over to your house due to the fact that the last dinner at HER house gave you tons of nerves
— Quinn gets along really well with your younger sister & you think it's adorable

Santana comes over to your house because of the previous, awkward dinner at her house
— It started out lame and then it got boring because your parents made you two wash the dishes, but by the end, the kitchen was all wet and full of soap because Santana thought it would be a good idea to throw soap at you
— Santana has to go home early, but it was still fun

You go to Brittany's house
— She dresses up Lord Tubbington
— You do her hair for her and she does yours
— overall it was a surprisingly chill night

Marley's mom won't allow Marley to see you for Thanksgiving because she still doesn't like you

tysm for 1k reads!!

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